NOTE: We sell reprints of old gun manuals and catalogs. We do NOT sell GUNS.We do NOT sell gun PARTS.
We do NOT offer gun VALUES. WE do NOT represent any gun MAKERS or gun SELLERS.

NOTE: We sell reprints of old gun manuals and catalogs. We do NOT sell GUNS. We do NOT sell gun PARTS. We do NOT offer gun VALUES. WE do NOT represent any gun MAKERS or gun SELLERS.

Arms Heritage Magazine
arms heritage header2

Arms Heritage Magazine is a treasure trove of factual, obscure and fascinating information, excellent photographs and magnificent trivia assembled by a distinguished troop of very well respected collectors and experts. All articles are meticulously researched and carefully reviewed by our panel of experienced collectors. In addition to feature articles, each issue contains features on cartridge collecting, blades, accoutrements, a question and answer forum, book reviews and a summary of recent auction results as well as a story aimed at the beginning collector. Editors David Carroll, Frank Graves, Bob Berryman, David Carter, Roy Marcot, Mike Clark, Flem Rogers, George S. Lewis, Jr., Danny Clark, Wayne Warren, John Sexton, Andrew F. Lustyik help Dick Salzer, Richard Overall and Mike Carrick turn out a first class product.

Cornell Publications has been selected to publish a permanent paper copy of Arms Heritage magazine. It is a nicely produced book of all the fine articles and features from the first year of Arms Heritage.

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