WH Baker, Syracuse Forging Co., Syracuse Forging & Gun Co., Baker Gun and Forging Co., Baker Gun Co. (HD Folsom)

If you own a gun made between 1901 and 1976 you may be able to research the original purchaser through the records on file at Griffin & Howe for Abercrombie & Fitch and Von Lengerke and Detmold – Click Here for more information and a list of available makes.

W H Baker was on his own until 1878-9 as W H Baker Co. In 1879 he joined L C Smith to form W H Baker and Company. In 1880 he left the partnership with Smith and Smith formed the LC Smith Co. In 1883 Baker helped start WH Baker Gun Works with LH Smith. He lasted there until 1887 whenwhen the company became the Ithaca Gun Co. and Baker returned to Syracuse to join with his brother, Ellis, who had Syracuse Forging Co incorporated that year. The new concern was called Syracuse Forging and Gun Company from 1887-8 (when The New Baker Gun came out) until the early 1890, when the name was changed to Baker Gun and Forging Company. Meanwhile, in 1889 WH Baker died, the plant was destroyed by fire and the company moved to Batavia, NY. Ellis Baker died in 1899 and on 12-24-1919 the gunmaking part of the business was sold to H&D Folsom of Meridan??, CT About 150,000 Baker Guns were produced prior to the Folsom takeover, Folsom number do not exist. The Baker gun Co. closed in 1930.

Some other catalogs featuring Baker Firearms products:

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