Ball & Williams: 1861 Began operations in Worcester, MA; 1866 Bought by Merwin & Bray and name changed to Merrimack Arms Co.; 1866 moved to Newburyport, MA; 1869 Bought by J.H. Brown of NYC who changed the name to Brown Manufacturing Co.; 1873 Bankrupt, machinery sold to Marlin Firearms Co.; Ballard rifle rights sold to Schoverling, Daly & Gales.

Marlin Firearms Co. began operations in 1870. In 1878 it became Incorp (Incorp was also associated with Stevens, Meriden, New England Westinghouse and AH Fox) with Charles Daly as President, it was also a partner with Schoverling, Daly & Gales. In 1881 they bought the Ideal Manufacturing Co. and in 1893 Schoverling, Daly & Gales sold out to the Marlin family. Marlin became part of Marlin-Rockwell Corp along with Hopkins & Allen in 1915. They bankrupted in 1924 and were sold to Frank McKenna. In 1945 they bought Hunter Arms Co. (LC Smith Firearms).

Hopkins & Allen (Norwich, CT) bought Forehand & Wadsworth in 1902.

Hopkins & Allen bought the assets of Davenport after Mr. D died in 1903

Hopkins & Allen was bought by Marlin-Rockwell in 1916.

Crescent Arms Co. (formed 1892) of Norwich CT was bought by

HD Folsom Co in 1893 (merged with Davis Warner in 1930) then trading as

Crescent-Davis until bought by J Stevens in 1932.

Davis-Warner was formed by merging of NR Davis and Warner Arms in 1917.

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