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NOTE: We sell reprints of old gun manuals and catalogs. We do NOT sell GUNS. We do NOT sell gun PARTS. We do NOT offer gun VALUES. WE do NOT represent any gun MAKERS or gun SELLERS.



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Nice 50s memory trip, Hank the Tank, Filthy Goats, dumbo calls police about his drugs, neglected jackpot, links to strange Mars images from NASA, How to unload 25 guns, Laws of our Lives, The Thridarangar Lighthouse, NEW CORNELL WEBSITE, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage, Letters from Readers… and more

June 2022

Trophy- Active Tank Defense developed in Israel, Quora is an interesting forum-type site , So the deer ambushed him, Baaad Ladies The nineteenth century West had its share of women pioneers and not all were Miss Kitty, Punt Gun These monsters were used to commercially harvest scores, if not hundreds of wildfowl, Cost of living 1938, New Website, Lots of Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers and much more.

May 2022

Robbery on tape in Compton, CA; Canadian space law… and Hal; MAAWS, the right tool; Invasion of the GM Proving Grounds; Schoolkids stupidity and brilliance; World Facts; State populations larger than LA County; Wisdom- sayings; New website; Rants and raves and Letters from Readers and more…

March 2022
Exploding Tesla, years ago, DOD website, Michigan WarDog Cemetery, All the president’s aircraft, New Calibers and weapons for the Armed Forces, amusing insults, Engineers, Rants and raves, Letters from readers and more…

February 2022

Tornado Nonsense, What3Words-Important! Chydsdales, Less lightning during lockdown, the end of the Great Wall, Bootlegger term, Krupp huge tool, , New WEBSITE, Rants and raves, Letters from Readers and more

January 2022

 Tough way to earn a buck- stupid ads, missing military assault rifles, machine guns, handguns, armor-piercing grenades, artillery shells, mortars, grenade launchers and plastic explosives, website mass merchant pitch, Rants and Raves, Read in the newspapers, Letters from Readers and more

December 2021 

Bond Ads, Archaeologists used tree rings and astrophysics to prove Vikings were in Canada in 1021, Remember the Crazy Russian Guy (FPSRussia)? National Veteran’s Art Museum, Chicago., Morrison shelter, Holland Tunnel, OLD CAR NAVIGATION SYSTEMS, population diagram, EBAY Global Post, Covid, Letters From Readers, and more

November 2021

Jobs you don’t have, dog doorbells, windmills, nap takers, Tesla and Stonehenge, Bitcoin side gig, Ivermectin, Creditkarma, Autonomous sailboats, British Bulldog Revolvers, Christmas Gifts, Post Office, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers, and more…

October 2021 

San Fran pays people no to shoot others, Football quotes, stupid “We apologize for any inconveniences”, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Cornellpubs Website, Rants and Raves, Letters From Readers and more

September 2021 

What common English word, video not for faint-hearted, Calls From The Wilds, I Read it in the Papers…, Cornellpubs Website, Rants and Raves, Rob Mouat, Letters From Readers,

July 2021

Swedish Bill anti-tank weapon, Funny commercials, Magician, Baby names, Lake Superior, Door joke, The end of the world, Rants and Raves, Letters from readers, etc…

June 2021

Live fire robots, Admiral McRaven on Seal training, Fire up the barbie- the origin of charcoal, lucky dog trapped in a weir, France cuts two nuclear subs in half, Civics 101- the relationship between population and representation, Stainless steel 1936 Ford, Second Amendment considerations, Arms Heritage, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers.

May 2021

Somali pirate blasted, Michigan dung line, Belgian farmer who moved the border, DJ devotion, Washington U children, Facebook fakes, Starbucks bucked chairman, Unemployment free for all, Stanton Auction, California mom posted risque pics, Arms Heritage, Rants and Raves, Harry’s blades, Letters from readers and more…

April 2021

Whitworth cannon at long distances, The Flu, Elon Musk’s car in space, photos, I read it in the papers, Arms Heritage, Lots of Rants and Raves, Rob Mouat with an example of returned mail from abroad, letters from readers, etc.

March 2021

Squeamish, try this job, This Farming Life in Scotland, Covid in a bottle, Gorilla Glue, Voters, Newspaper closures, “Jesus Saves” a runner, Zoom Gun suspension, Howler monkey testes, National Park Service missing people, Hangfire- New Zealand, Colt Moves East, Arms Heritage Compendium for 2020, Rants and Raves, Letter from Readers and more…

February 2021

Hot tub marksmanship, Topps Fauci baseball card, no mask in a gun shop, happy stone age people, Hangfire newsletter from New Zealand, loose gravel, husband and wife Christmas shopping, a boat with big ballast, river fishing with magnet, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers and more.

January 2021

Gatling Guns over Baghdad, flu shots at Cornell Uni., Sewage treatment surprise, telephone auto-correct for text messages, active shooter drills at home, the stag who sole a rifle, information your car holds and will share with the authorities, Aizhai bridge pictures, Arms Heritage annual 10 is coming, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers cartoons and mo…

December 2020

Cat raiding liquor cabinet, huge beer cooler, Cornellpubs, and social media, hot rod we like, porno on I75, Dealing with covid, new features for hearing aids, illegal aliens in New York, Arms Heritage big index to everything, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers.

November 2020

1920 flu poem, San Francisco Mask debate 1919, magician, Jones Toetter body art, news bits, cartoons and jokes, holiday gift ideas, Charlottesville slave owned descendant, Arms Heritage, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers, Rob’s rant too and more,…

October 2020

Not what you might think collection…, border collie, Your stomach manufactures a new lining every three days, By the age of eighteen your brain stops growing, mother vice grip, US Population distribution, my Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, cocaine tooth drops, Arise, a new labor market, Conservation Frontlines Organization, Arms Heritage, Rants and Raves, Letters From Readers and more…

September 2020

What are the eight uniformed services of the United States? The Science Behind A Dog’s Age, The Best Dog Training Collar, Clever Scam, Three Chinese Scam Websites, MUST-HAVE for your back yard, Remember the 1,000,000th Corvette that fell in the sinkhole at the Corvette Museum? Jokes, I Read it in the Papers…, Arms Heritage, Rants and Raves, Hopkins & Allen Pocket Shotgun, Letters From Readers and more…

August 2020

Amazing hole digger- makes swimming pool cabana, Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?, What a great idea and probably a heck of a lot less expensive than 87 individual lights at each intersection!, Arlington Cemetery Inspection, Goodyear “Wrangler” label stopped in tracks on the new Ford Bronco, The Stevens Battle of 1896, The editors have decided to retire Arms Heritage Magazine, Rants and Raves, Letters From Readers and more…

July 2020

World’s Auto Makers year 1950-2019, Detroit man given $1.5M bond in West Bloomfield Twp. shooting, Last Civil War Pensioner Dies, Dwindling Public Pensions, George Washington Statue Toppled, William Penn Statue, World’s First Superpower- , Top 20 Countries by Population (1950 to 2100), Human Population as it Grew Throughout History, Top 15 Countries Military Spending (1830-2019), History of Europe 400BCE – 2017, The United States of America – summary of our history, Most Popular TV Series 1986 – 2019, American Nations by Colin Woodward, Arms Heritage is wrapping up, Rants and Raves, Letters From Readers and more…

June 2020

The Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan, Call from the wild, Squirrel Obstacle course, Our solution to the squirrels, Toilet paper poker, A Colt for Christmas, Sigs for the Unknown Soldier, Inglich by any other name, How to move a barn, New Additions, Arms Heritage Volume 9 is available, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers and more…

May 2020

Lord of the Flies, Michael Bloomberg’s $1.22 billion blunder, clever book title story, Society of the American Side by Side, Book: Jager: Europe’s First Special Operations Forces: History, Organization, Arms & Equipment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s Elite Light Infantry to 1866, mispelings, Soldier and the donkey, Sportsman’s house, New Additions, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves and mo…

April 2020

The Sheahan family and their battle with the “gumment” over their property inside Area 51. John Wayne’s Variety Show celebrating America. The Bowl of M&Ms, the virus, New Additions, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers and more…

March 2020

Tumbleweeds bury cars, trouble over snapchat- 83 days in pokey, salamander who doesn’t move- for years, Rappers shooting guns, Robo Roomba, , New Additions, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers and more…

February 2020

Endosnake- borescope; The Accident in court testimony; wagon train heading west; bubble gum; I read it in the papers; New Additions, Rants and Raves; Rob Mouat inflammatory rhetoric; Letters from readers; and little more

January 2020

Bertha Benz, Trapped in tumbleweed, cut off rear quarter to make bigger parking space, $12m truck, AK into lute, 40 mule team, Anaheim, CA 1887, Telephone etiquette, your home, New Additions, Rants and Raves, Letters from readers and more

December 2019

Undercover dog; quips; Easy Work, High Pay; Palendromes; Christmas Gifts; WWII posters; Smoke Grenades; Earthquake Risk; Preserving tats; New Additions; Arms Heritage, Letters From Readers and more…

November 2019

A lot more about the Nigerian Colt revolver scam that continues. Keep a sharp lookout for these guys! Silly Dog jokes, three incredibly bad YouTube videos you should be aware of, church sign, block unwanted mail, stainless steel ’36 Ford, the long story about Pet Stores and puppy mills, Liberty Wildlife in Phoenix, AZ- good people, New Additions, Letters from Readers and Rants and Raves… and more

October 2019

Lightning strikes a riv… or something else? Weird robots for battlefield training; car seats for your kids and grandkids; rent a jet; cell phone payments at the checkout counter; a few stupid people pics; New Additions including a load of Gun Collector Magazines; The Saga of the Scam- embarrassing follow-up to the Colt revolver advertisement we ran last month. Arms Heritage, volume 8; Letters from readers including responses to my scam warning from last month.

September 2019

Michigan War Dog Cemetery, k9 Memorial Wall, 1894 FRAUD Colt SSA, for sale, Drive a Tank and shoot too! New Additions, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage- Luger Snail Drum, Letters from Readers, and more…

August 2019

What happened to the Gunsmoke cast? 4 year old car thief, How the West was Won… uh bought, Yachtsman’s boats, New York City in 1900, New Additions, Wow, what a year, the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage is here! Letters from readers and mo…

July 2019

Your own mortar, 40,000 year old wolf, guy with uranium, a rattlesnake, and whiskey in a stolen car, weather forecast, jokes, letters from readers, rant and raves and more.

June 2019

Sub-Machine Gun Stolen from Auburn IN Police, , We recently visited the Auburn, Cord Duesenburg Museum in Auburn, IN, RM Spring Auction, Route 66 Packard Museum, We learned the story of the missing Tommy Gun, THE AGE YOU PEAK AT EVERYTHING,, Ransomware beware, 50 Best Things to do in Michigan, New Additionas, Letters from readers and more…

May 2019

Police dogs, 116 very old color photos, North American Model Engineering Show, U.S. Navy and UFOs, some cartoons, New Additions, Arms Heritage- The Hollifield Sight Training system, Rants and Raves and letters from readers and more…

April 2019

The Highwaymen, Old West photos, Ikea car, auto rollovers, Debunking emails, The Day the Dinosaurs Died , Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage Magazine, Letters From Readers and more…

March 2019

Military Bumper Stickers, Draper cartridges, Cowboy, Pancho Villa, Bonnie & Clyde, Logger pictures, Army-Iphone Rifle, Lucky people video, The Gray Wolf Revealed book, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers, responses from readers about website development.

February 2019

Roofing tile with no instructions, oil disposal and other advert surprises, chainsaw mistakes, things you may not know, new additions, new website advice, rants and raves, Arms Heritage, Letters from Readers, Website, Rants and Raves and more…

January 2019

 Bomber Camp and Big Sandy Belly Gun, Mock Turtle Soup, glass walkway in China, Prohibition lumber truck, 1919 execution, Schwerer Gustav- Big Gun, 106 year old with AK47, human observations- severed head, free pizza, husband killer, Jeff Bezos, Ghost Guns and 30 round mags, New Additions, A Walk in the Mud, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage- Smit & Percival, Letters from Readers and more.

December 2018

Birddog, A Story for Engineers, Lucky Shot Glass, Hockey Puck Defenders, Bumper Cars, New Additions and Christmas lists, Reduction Marketing, Rants and Raves, Letters from Readers, Arms Heritage- Kynoch Soap and Garrett Revolvers, The Real Wolf by Will Graves.

November 2018

Dogs at Customs, Colorado by Drone, The Best Dog Training Collar, Shockwaves from Bombing, Fork in the road, Birds and Bears, Grey Market Cars, S&W and the Nuns, Rants and Raves, Letters from readers, Arms heritage Magazine, New Items and Christmas suggestions.

October 2018

Putt, Putt, Putt… Experimental One-Man Machine Gun Tank – 1934, Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky discussing our culture (YouTube); YouTube link to cars commercials, train wrecks and logging jokes, New Additions, mike Carrick, I have This Old Gun- Arms heritage, Letters from readers, Rants and Raves, Ebay and overseas shipments, and a bit mo…

September 2018

Border Collie; Great Advertisements (Bang!); Gun Club Wartime Ad; Land Use in the U.S.; What is the difference between a hurricane, a cyclone, and a typhoon?; Jokes, New Additions; Joel Black and Handguns in Movies; Rants and Raves; The Hopkins and Allen Pocket Hammerless Derringer- Arms Heritage; Letters from Readers and more…

August 2018

I was walking around in the woods and; pick-me-ups; robocalls; NASA; Aw geez- George Washington University “Colonials” are under attack; Don’t bomb Ireland; elections 2018; US Places where disaster strikes again and again; New Additions; Rants and Raves; Arms Heritage- Sam Walker and Colt; Letters from Readers and more…

July 2018

The Great Wall of China, How Sad and Pathetic and, oh yes, Stupid Too… , Meteotsunami hits Grand Traverse Bay in downtown Traverse City, Michigan…, A Pun Jab, some funny signs, train wreck, New Additions, Rob Mouat, Novel War Devices, Rants and Raves, Arms heritage, Letters From Readers.

June 2018

10 commercials you missed, truckers save man, facts about the USA, Clint Walker, as the stomach churns, old newspaper notices, children living dangerously, sayings, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage- Tinder Lighters, Letters from readers and more…

May 2018

Good Week for Ten Mile Runs, The Grass is always Greener, London murders to NYC, Jokes and old ads, Loyce Edward Deen- RIP, Stagecoach holdups, Before the Opium Crisis, New Additions, Rob Mouat, “Bad Angel” Story, Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage Volume 7!, Letters from Readers and MORE…

April 2018

Calls From the Wilds, Iver Johnson conundrum, Pills Oops, U-Haul San Fran costs! Police Dogs, Marriage jokes, hidden beach and sinking boat, Detroit Home! Put down your phone.; New Additions; Rob Mouat caught in the question of police tactical gear; Rants and Raves; Arms Heritage Magazine- odd marks on old revolver; Letters From Readers; Helpful Things

March 2018

The Sunday School teacher and Lot’s wife, We Like Paraprosdokians; Kodachrome Images from WWI era; Detroit Boats and the Squirrel; Fitness Crazy; One for the road; Marshall Dillon Video- sort of; Ideas for Bored People out there; Pothole repair truck; New Additions, Rob Mouat on arming the EPA; Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage; Letters from readers and more…

February 2018

Would You Prefer to be Someone’s Lunch or Be Hit by a Train? Windchill explained; From Before Girls Smoked…; Artillery Shells, Holland & Holland Video, Hurricane 2017; Health Scare of the Month, AMERICAN RIFLEMAN; New Additions; Rants and Raves, Arms Heritage; Letters from readers and more…

January 2018

Bulletproof vest?? Tertil Garden weeding machine, Kenya Car Repair, Cheap Burglar alarm, The Firelands of Ohio, Letters from readers, Rants and raves and more…

December 2017

December 2017- Flat earth argument, Monkey Business, Jokes, Health Scare, Rich People, Ford Pinto… flying! Trump and the M1911; Lorne Grabher vanity plate; Boy on mine; Marshall Dillown-Sex Offender; Arms Heritage- Gallery Guns by Paul Breakey; Christmas List, Letters from readers and Rants and Raves

November 2017

Novemebr 2017- On the trail of New York’s lost Teardrop; jokes in picture and text, Rob and Matt take the ORV to Michigan’s trails; Arms Heritage; New Additions, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves and more.

October 2017

John Cobb crash video, Ships at sea, Aircraft Tracking, Lightning Strikes, Bumpfire Debunked, Drone weapons, The great Peshtigo Fire of 1871, Dynamite Guns, Training Rifles of the Third Reich, Germany by Robert Simpson, Arms Heritage, Civil War Pistols, New Website mea culpa, The Great List, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves, Helpful information and mo…

September 2017

Michigan Woman Killed by Hippo, Follow-up to the below story from last month’s newsletter, Prosecutors want to keep a former state senator off the Detroit City Council general election ballot, Half of Detroit’s 8 mayoral candidates are felons, A Study in Current Affairs, corn maze for the elderly, Emails about Sunglasses/Rain and Cruise Control/Rain, Deathbed Bequests, The History of the AR-15, Rob Mouat and loads of recommendations, Arms Heritage Miniature weapons, New Additions, Letters From Readers, Rants and Raves and more…

August 2017

Wisdoms, 1870s-1880s cowboy “IndianFighter”, Hoop Skirts on the Carriage, You can Rob a Bank, Ikea Hot Dog, Facticious, .41 Rimfire Book, Rob- 30 years ago, 50 years ago, McCain/Forrestal, 60 Years ago, Arms Heritage, Best Books, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves and mo…

July 2017

The best bike ever, Best gang mower ever, Hitler’s Nephew Served in USN during WWII, Japanese soldier continued the fight for 30 years after the war ended, The Penquin and the Fisherman, Arms Heritage Flintlock Revolvers, New Books, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves and more.

June 2017

Calls from the Wilds, Rob & Abby- new website info and help request, Arms Heritage- Mike Carrick, New Books, and Special Thanks, Letters from Readers, Rants and Raves, Helpful info, and more.

May 2017

Hand Held Device Friendly! Old Pics and Movie Stars, Dick Chamberlain, RIP, Vol 6 of Arms Heritage is available, as letters from readers, rants and raves, and more…


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