Carl Gustaf (Sweden) 1973 Gun Catalog
11 color pages, about 8 1/2″ x 11″ glossy soft-cover in full color. New color re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Carl Gustaf Catalog 1973
- FFV Sports, Billings, New York
- Gun making since 1623
- Swedish steel
- New Target Rifle
- Grade II standard Model Monte Carlo Stock
- Grade II Magnum
- Grade III Deluxe
- Grade III Magnum
- For the Southpaw
- Grade III and II L/M Left Hand Rifles
- Grade V scroll Engraving French Walnut
- Carl Gustaf VT Varmint Rifle used by the Swedist Shooting Team
- Carl Gustaf Target Rifles CG-T and CG22T by PJ Wright
- The Gustaf Swede, Schnabel forend