A Basic Reference Guide to Old Firearms (Serial Nos. etc.)
243 pages, about 8 1/2″ x 11″ glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print published with permission. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid-free paper. Not Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
By Joseph T. Vorisek
This document is a reference guide for firearms, providing information on a wide range of topics, including serial numbers, proof marks, and manufacturing history for various firearm models. It also includes information on cartridge models, headstamps, and military codes used on firearms and ammunition. In addition to detailed information on specific firearms and ammunition, the guide provides a general overview of firearm terminology, both American and British. This guide appears to have been compiled from a variety of sources, both published and unpublished, and includes an index to allow users to quickly find the information they need.
.455 Cartridge headstamps
- 1896/1930 Models
- 1903 Model Incl Contract Prod.
- A.H. Fox (Savage made) Serial Numbers
- A.H. Fox Serial Numbers
- All Models Through 1909 by Years Produced
- American/British
- American/British Double Gun Terms
- Ammunition Headstamp Codes:
- Astra Automatics, Mauser type
- Austrian
- Auto-ejecting Revolver Serial Numbers
- Automatic Pistols, Years Produced by Manufacturer
- Automatic Pistols with Shoulder Stocks
- Baker Shotgun Types
- Ballard Models
- Ballard Models by Years Produced
- Belgian Gun Makers, Modern
- Bergmann Semi Auto Pistols
- Bore Sizes by Gauge
- Boss & Co Serial Numbers
- Browning
- Browning Serial Numbers
- Campo Giro Automatic Pistols
- Carbine Quantities Purchased by U.S. Government
- Cartridge Introduction Dates
- Cartridge Revolver Brand Names and Makers
- Charles Daly (post WWII)
- Charles Lancaster Serial Nos
- Chinese Service Pistol Serial Numbers
- Choke Markings:
- Chronology
- Churchill, E. J. Serial Numbers
- Colonial Arms Makers
- Color Codes
- Colt Serial Numbers
- Combustible Cartridgemaking
- Conversion of Barrel and Chamber
- Crescent Fire Arms Co Partial List of Trade Names
- Czechoslovakian after
- Dickson, John & Son Serial Numbers
- Dutch
- DWM Headstamp Codes
- Early Models of Marlin Rifles
- Early Models of Rifles
- East Germany,1945 and on
- English/German Firearms Terms
- English/United States
- English Commercial
- English Military
- Ethan Allen and Successor Companies Names and Years Used
- Ethan Allen Pepperbox Models
- European
- Folsom Belgian Import Trade Names
- France
- General Officer’s Model Auto
- German Military
- Germany, 1867 to 1945
- Griffin&Howe Serial Numbers
- Hall’s Rifle Production at Harper’s Ferry
- Handgun Grip Monograms
- Harrington & Richardson:
- High Standards Years and Nos.
- Holster Manufacturers (Military):
- Hunter Arms (L.C. Smith) Serial Nos 1890-1950
- India
- Irish Gun Marks
- Italian
- Italy
- Ithaca Gun Company – Baker, Crass, Lewis, Manier, Magnum, Lefever, etc Serial Nos.
- Ithaca pre
- Japanese Rifle and Pistol Markings – pre 1946
- Japanese Service Rifles pre 1946
- Justice & Colt (a poem)
- Kentucky-Pennsylvania Rifles:
- L.C. Smith/Hunter Arms Co.
- Lahti Pistol Makers
- Lancaster, Charles Serial Nos
- Lee Navy Rifles Recovered from USS Maine
- Lefever Shotgun Grades
- Lengths from Metric to Inch
- Letter Codes
- Letters After Commercial Trademarks
- London Gunmakers 1850-1900
- Luger
- Luger Military and Manufacturers Codes:
- Luger Prototypes
- Luger Variations
- M-14 Rifle Production
- Makers
- Manhattan Fire Arms Co Serial Nos.
- Marlin Firearms Company:
- Mauser:
- Military Codes
- Military Contract Lee Rifles
- Model 1870 and 1871 Quantities
- Model1899SerialNumbers
- Model24and241SerialNumbers
- Model39SerialNumberPrefixes
- Model51Pistols
- Model6SerialNumbers
- Model81SerialNumbers
- MontgomeryWard/SearsManufacturersCodes
- Mossberg:
- Nambu Identification Chart
- Navy Single Shot Pistols
- Non-Corrosive Primed Military Ammunition
- Number Codes
- OrdnanceInspectors’Initials1795-1946
- ParkerBros-Shotguns-SerialNos,Modelsetc.
- PennsylvaniaMusketContractors
- Pistols,QuantitiesMade
- Pistols,serialnumbersModels
- PocketAutomaticrarity
- Post1933LetterCodes
- Post1945
- PrivateBrands&ManufacturersEquivalents
- ProofMarks:
- Purdey,JamesSerialNumbers
- QCodesonBackstraps
- Remington:
- Rlgby,John&CoSerialNumbers
- RoilingBlockManufacturers
- RollingBlockModelIdentification
- RossRifleChronology
- Russian
- S&WLadysmith
- S&WNewDepartureHammerless
- S&WSingleActionModels
- SavageArmsCompany:
- SavageTradeBrandsUsedpreWWII
- Sears/MontgomeryWardManufacturersCodes
- SerialNumbersofvariousMakersofLastGunsMadeBefore1899(Antiques)
- Sharps4BarrelPistols
- SharpsRifleCo(Various)
- SingleShotModels
- SlugRifleMakers
- Smith & Wesson1st&2ndModel22
- Spain
- Spanish
- SpanishPistolMakers1915-1940
- SpanishProofLetterCodes
- SpencerSlideActionShotguns
- SpringfieldRifles:
- StarAutomaticPistols
- StephenGrant&SonSerialNos.
- StevensArmsmarkings&YearsUsed
- StevensModelsc1907
- Swiss
- SwissHolsterManufacturersCodes
- SymbolsUsedonThem
- ThompsonSub-MachineGunSpecs
- TrapDoorRifles
- Typesof.455Pistols
- UnderhammerPercussionPistolMakers
- USSR(Russia)
- W.&CScottMonteCarloBSerialNos
- WaltherP-38ManufacturersCodes
- WaltherP-38Variations
- Webley&Scott.455AutoPistols
- WestGermany1951andon
- WestleyRichardsSerialNumbers
- WhitneyKennedyLeverActionRifles
- WhitworthMuzzleloadingrifles
- WinchesterPartsInterchangeability
- WinchesterSerialNumbers
- Woodward,James&SonsSerialNos.
- ZimmerstutzenCartridgeSizemarks