Winchester 1896 December- Repeating Arms Catalog No. 58
131 pages, about 8″ x 5 1/4″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. Fully Illustrated. This copy is printed on heavy, super-white paper.
MANUALS FOR OLD WINCHESTERS – Winchester Catalogs from 1875 through 1920 contained operation manuals for all guns including cutaway drawings and component parts pictures.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Accuracy, Testing 12
- Barrel Reflector 63
- Care of Guns 12
- Cartridges adapted to Winchester Model 1873
- Single Shot 5
- Model 1886 15
- Model 1892 22 and 23
- Model 1894 40
- Model 1895 48
- Extras on Rifles 57
- Guarantees of Guns and Barrels 2, 23
- Penetration and
- Trajectories of Cartridges 53, 54
- Price List of Rifles 57
- Repeating Shot Guns
- Lever Actions 58 to 63
- Model 1893 64 to 69
- Rifles Condensed Price List 57
- Model 1866 4
- 1873 22calibre 8
- 1873 32,38,44 calibre 5 to 7
- 1886 .38,.40,.45 and 50 20 to 27
- 1886 Extra Light 20
- 1886 Take Down 23
- 1890 .22 calibre 28 to 32
- 1892, .25,.32,.38 and 44 33 to 39
- 1892 Take Down 35
- 1894 40 to 45
- 1894 Takedown 45
- 1895 46 to 52
- Winchester Single Shot 14 to 19
- Hotchkiss 13
- Set Trigger Directions 12
- Sights for Rifles 55 and 56
- Trajectories of Cartridges
- 53 and 54
- Velocities of Cartridges 53 and 54
- Blue Rival Paper Shells
- Brass Shot Shells
- Bullets
- Bullet Moulds
- Caps
- Cartridges Rim Fire
- Description
- Price List
- Military Price List
- Center Fire
- Price List
- Leaded with Shot Rim Fire
- Leaded Center Fire, Price List
- Blank, Price List
- Charge Cups
- Compare Measure of Nitro
- Express Tubes
- Gun Grease
- Gun Wads
- Leader Shot Shells
- Loaded Shot Nitro/Powder
- Lubricants and material
- Metal Lined Shot Shells
- Molds, Bullet
- Paper Shot Shells
- Patches and Paper
- Percussions Caps
- Primers
- Primed Shells
- Powder for Reloading
- Reloading Tools Ball Cartridge
- Repeater Shot Shells
- Rival Paper Shells
- Rival Brass Shells
- Shell Reducing Dies
- Shot Gun Ammunition
- Smokeless Cartridge
- Swages – Bullet
- Tools for Reload Ball Cartridges
- Wads, Shot Gun