Winchester 1898 October- Gun and Ammunition Catalog #62
158 pages, about 8″ x 11″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
MANUALS FOR OLD WINCHESTERS – Winchester Catalogs from 1875 through 1920 contained operation manuals for all guns including cutaway drawings and component parts pictures.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Winchester 1898 Gun and Ammunition Catalog # 62
- New Haven, Connecticut
- With Prices and fully illustrated
- Forward: History, Parts, Systems, Fancy Guns
- The Repeating Rifle and the Ammo
- Model 1873 and how to load the magazine
- Inner workings how to take out the barrel and Breech pin
- Musket and Carbine and Component parts of the Model 1873
- Model 1886 Hotchkiss Repeater
- History of the Take down Rifle
- Cartridges for the Model 1886
- The Rifle System and component parts
- Model 1890 Take Down, Parts and Ammo
- Model 1892 Take Down and Parts
- Model 1894 Extra Light Weight Take Down Rifle
- Parts and Ammunition
- Model 1895 History, takedown, Parts
- What a .30 Caliber Winchester Cartridge will Do
- The Lee Straight Pull Rifle in Musket and Sporting size
- Winchester Single Shot Rifle Parts, Systems Prices
- Fancy Rifles and Engraving
- Winchester Sights
- Sights adapted to Winchester Rifles
- Winchester Sling Strap
- Trajectory and Velocity Charts
- Winchester Lever Action Shotgun and parts and systems
- Model 1893 and 1897 Shotgun History and Parts and Ammo
- Take Down Shotguns with Interchangeable Barrels
- The Brush and Riot Shotgun Model 1897
- Trap and Pigeon Guns and Parts for the 1897
- Model 1893 Shotgun with A or B on the Receiver Instructions
- Winchester Ammunition
- Shell, Bullets, Rimfire, Center Fire