Winchester 1908 March- Arms Company Catalog no 74
182 pages, about 11″ x 8″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
MANUALS FOR OLD WINCHESTERS – Winchester Catalogs from 1875 through 1920 contained operation manuals for all guns including cutaway drawings and component parts pictures.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Winchester 1908 March Arms Company Catalog
- New Haven, Connecticut
- Prices
- Model 1873 Loading, Ammo, Takedown
- Model 1873 all Models
- Model 1886 Take Down, Assembly, Ammo
- Model 1886 all Models Available
- Model 1890 Take down, Ammo
- Model 1890 all Models Available
- Model 1892 Ammo, Models Takedown
- Model 1893 all Models
- Model 1894 & 1895 Ammo, Takedown
- Model 1894, 1895 all Models
- Winchester Single Shot
- Model 1902 1903 Ammo Takedown
- Model 1902, 1903 all Models
- Model 1904 1905 Ammo Takedown
- Model 1904, 1905 all Models
- Model 1906 1907 Ammo Takedown
- Model 1906, 1907 all Models
- Fancy Rifles Fancy Engraving
- Sighting Rifles
- Sights Winchester
- Cleaning
- Trajectory
- Parts Model 1886 Winchester
- Parts Model 1890 Winchester
- Parts Model 1882 Winchester
- Parts Model 1885 Winchester
- Parts Model 1897Winchester
- Parts Model 1901, 1903, 1907 Winchester
- Parts Winchester Single Shot
- Winchester Model 1901 Lever Action
- Winchester Model 1901 Parts Ammo Takedown
- Winchester Model 1897 Models
- Winchester Model 1897 Parts Ammo Takedown
- Winchester Model 1901 Lever Action
- Winchester Model 1901 Parts Ammo Takedown
- Model 1897 Takedown
- Winchester Trap and Pigeon Shotguns
- Winchester Cannon
- Ammunition Cartridges
- Shells and Bullets
- Wads Primers