Recognizing Side by Side Shotguns – Carder
30 pages, about 11″ x 8″ Printed on high quality paper. Fully Illustrated.
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- This text from Charles E. Carder’s “Recognizing Side By Side Shotguns” is a guide for understanding the mechanisms and features of side-by-side shotguns. Carder, a lifelong hunter and collector, explains the different locking mechanisms, such as boxlock, sidelock, and cross bolt, as well as common safety features like top slide safety and side safety. The text also covers different barrel types, including Damascus and twist barrels, and various forearm designs such as splinter and beaver-tail. The author’s goal is to provide a clear and concise explanation of these features, with accompanying graphics, to help readers identify and understand different side-by-side shotgun designs.
- Recognizing Side by Sides
- By Charles E. Carder
- Back Action Sidelock
- Bar Front Sidelock
- Beaver Tail Forearm
- Boxlock
- Cocking Indicators
- Cross Bolt
- Damascus and Twist Barrel
- Doll’s Head Cross Bolt
- External Hammer Boxlock
- Hammerless Bar Front
- Hammerless Bar Front Sidelock
- Hand Grips
- Hinge Pin
- Linder Lumps
- Ornate Adornments
- Outside Cocking Lever
- Outside Hammers
- Pistol Grip
- Pistol Grip Safeties
- Proof Marks
- Push Button Opener
- Scalloped Boxlocks
- Semi Pistol Grip
- Semi-Hammerless by Greener
- Side Clips
- Side Motion Opener
- Side Safety
- Snap Forearm
- Splinter Forearms
- Standing Breech
- Straight Grips
- Strikers
- Under Crank Opener
- Under Lumps
- Unusual Mechanisms
- Water Table