Great Western Gun Works 1871 – Wholesale Sport Goods and Guns
53 pages, over 8" x 5 1/2", soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. Illustrated.
Great Western was based in the "wilds" of Pittsburgh, PA, but sold all over the country. "Mr. J.H. Johnson- Dear Sir: – Your letter and the gun are in hand. Everything all right. I went out on Monday 3d and shot 20 squirrels. I like it better than the gun you made for my brother, and his was one of the best in the country. Yours truly, E.H. Acker.
This comprehensive catalog sells everything from guns and ammo to knives, billies Army tents and tools. A must see catalog originally written for resellers of merchandise… a wholesale catalog.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.