Revolvers and Pistols 1983 Moscow (in Russian)
308 pages, about 11" x 8", glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
This book is written and annotated in Russian, but it contains pictures and some English descriptions about almost every handgun of the 20th century. If you buy a copy, let us know and we will send you a pdf that will allow you to copy and paste the Russian text to the Google translator.
д. Б. ЖУКРЕВОЛЬВЕРЫи ПИСТОЛЕТЫМОСКВАВОЕННОЕ ИЭДА ТЕЛЬСТВО1983Поименве пвстолетов в револьверов Поименве уавтарных патронов ДальнейшееpaUBne револьверов Поименве в рааввтве ав-ТOMaTll’lecKBx пистonетов Совреме_ные обраацы реВО1lьверов в пистолетов Ч а с т ь 1 Peвuьвep Обща и хараКтt>ристииа Основвые обраацы револьверов