Stotz and Goessl c1925 Munitions Catalog Suhl, Germany
103 pages, about 11″ x 8″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Stotz and Goessl c1925 Munitions Catalog
- Suhl, Germany In German Fully Illustrated
- Ammunition
- Art
- Berg Sport Pistol
- Browning Pistols
- Buchel Pistols
- Bulldog Revolvers
- Camping Goods
- Chic Archery
- Diana Air Rifles
- Dreyse Karabiner
- Dreyse Pistol
- DWM Pistols
- Erstklassige Revolver
- Flasks
- Flinten Ejektor
- Flobert Terzerole Pistols
- FN Carbines
- FN Hammerless Fusils
- Gilling Pistols
- Hahn Guns
- Henry Martini
- Holsters
- Knives
- Kommer Pistols
- Kunstschutzen Pistol
- Lignose Bergmann Pistols
- Luft Pistol and Gun
- Mann Pistols and Pistolet
- Match Pistols
- Mauser Pistols
- Mauser Repeaters
- Mauser Teschings
- Ortgies and Haenal Pistols
- Parabellum Pistols
- Reise Schrotflinten
- Reloading Equipment
- Rifles
- Salon Pistolen
- Sauer Pistols
- Scheiben Buchsen
- Scheintod Pistols
- Schweizer Armbruste
- Selbstspanner
- Simson Jager
- Simson Pistol
- Stenada And Stock Pistols
- Stocks
- Tell Archery
- Walking Sticks and Cane Guns
- Walther Pistols
- Warnant Guns
- Whistles