Madsen 1938 circa- Manual Maschinengewehre und Infantrie-kanonen IX


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Madsen 1938 circa- Manual Maschinengewehre und Infantrie-kanonen IX

105 pages, about 11" x 8", glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated. Tex in German,

Die automatische Präzisions- und Einheitswaffe des modernen Schlachtfeldes Madsen-Maschinengewehre und Infantrie-kanonen, Sytem Madsen IX von Oberst Halvor Jessen

The automatic precision and unity of the modern battlefield weapon Madsen machine guns and infantry guns, Madsen Sytem IX of Colonel Halvor Jessen

We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.


The Madsen was a light machine gun developed by Julius A. Rasmussen and Theodor Schoubue and proposed for adoption by Captain Vilhelm Herman Oluf Madsen, the Danish Minister of War and adopted by the Danish Army in 1902. It was one of the first true light machine guns produced in quantity and sold to over 34 different countries in 12 different calibres, seeing extensive combat use in various conflicts around the globe for over 100 years. The Madsen was produced by Compagnie Madsen A/S (later operating as Dansk Rekyl Riffel Syndikat A/S and then Dansk Industri Syndikat A/S).

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