Merrill Rifles Factory Manual and Sales Brochure – 1864


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Merrill Rifles Factory Manual and Sales Brochure – 1864

"…The simplicity and strength of construction arrived at in the Merrill Rifle is only equaled by its extraordinary range and accuracy of fire, and the efficiency of the arm not being dependent on any patent metallic or India rubber cartridge case, but using the simple paper cartridge, or loose powder and ball, and the ordinary percussion cap, (to be had at any country store or trading station,) gives them great advantages over arms depending on fixed or regularly prepared ammunition, and makes them justly preferred, not only on the frontier, but wherever a rifle is required."

"…Another advantage the Merrill Plan possesses is, that it can be easily applied to muzzle loading arms at a small cost, without restocking, altering the lock, or changing the general appearance, or diminishing the strength of the arm. The alteration of Muzzle-Loading Arms, to the Merrill Plan of Breach-Loading, has been practically tested by the United states Government with the most entire success, and has placed in the hands of the troops an arm that cannot be surpassed and also at a small cost…"

31 pages, over 8" x 5 1/2", soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. Illustrated.

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