A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms 1951, Small Arms of the World
465 pages, about 11″ x 8″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
This source is a collection of technical descriptions and specifications for a wide variety of small arms, primarily from World War II-era militaries. It aims to provide an objective analysis of these weapons, emphasizing their operation, design, and strengths and weaknesses. The text systematically categorizes the weapons by country of origin, covering rifles, machine guns, pistols, and submachine guns, with special attention to the various cartridges used. The author frequently highlights the practical implications of design choices, focusing on issues of reliability, durability, ease of manufacture, and ammunition compatibility. Notably, the text underscores the importance of continued research and development in the field of weaponry, arguing that the United States should avoid repeating past mistakes of being caught unprepared at the start of conflicts.
- Foreword
- Author’s Note
- Acknowledgements
- Identification of Foreign Small Arms
- Strength of Military Actions
- Proof Marks
- Foreign Ammunition and American Equivalents
- German Small Arms Manufacturers’ Codes
- German Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturers’
- Codes
- Austria
- Austrian Service Pistols
- Rast-Gasser 8mm Revolver
- Roth-Steyr 8mm Pisto1
- Steyr 9mm Pistol
- Model 1890 Carbines
- Steyr-Mannlicher 8mm Rifle Model 95
- 1889-1890 Rifles
- Other Austrian Rifles
- Schwarzlose 8mm Machine Gun
- Belgium
- Browning Long 9mm Automatic
- Browning Hipower 9mm Automatic
- Belgian Service Pistols
- Belgian Machine Weapons
- Belgian Service Rifles
- Belgian FN Mauser Rifles and Carbines
- Britain
- Service Revolvers and Pistols
- Enfield .380 Pistol No. 2 Mark I
- Enfield .380 Pistol No. 2 Mark I*
- Smif<h and Wesson . 38 Pistol No. 2
- Webley .455 Mark VI Pistol No. I
- Smith and Wesson .455 Revolver
- Colt .455 Automatic
- Webley .455 Automatic
- Lancaster 9mm Submachine Gun
- Sten Submachine Gun Mark I, II, III & V
- Austen 9mm Submachine Gun
- Owen 9mm Submachine Gun
- Rifles
- Bren .303 Light Machine Gun
- Lewis .30-06 Light Machine Gun
- Besa 7.9mm Machine Gun
- Vickers .303 Machine Gun
- Hotchkiss .303 Light Machine Gun
- Piat” Projector
- China
- Chinese Weapons
- Czechoslovakia
- Model 1924 Short Service Rifle
- ZB29 Autorifle
- M 1927 Service Pistol
- M 1924 and 1926 Service Pistol
- M 1938 Double Action Pistols
- Czech Machine Weapons
- Denmark
- Service Rifles and Pistols
- Madsen 8mm Light Machine Gun
- Finland
- Suomi 9mm Submachine Gun
- France
- Modele D’Ordonnance 1892
- Ruby 7.65mm Automatic
- Star 7.65mm Automatic
- 1935-A 7.65mm Long Automatic
- Pistols and Revolvers
- MAS Submachine Gun
- Army Rifles
- Semiouto Rifles
- Chauchat 8mm Machine Rifles
- Machine Weapons
- Hotchkiss 1914 8mm Machine Gun
- Chatellerault 7.5mm 1924 Machine Gun
- Germany
- Revolvers and Pistols
- Dreyse 7.65mm Automotic
- Luger (Para’be1Iwn) 9mm ’08 Automatic
- Mauser 7.63mm Automatic
- Mauser 7.65mm {.32 CAP) Automatic
- Mauser 7.65mm Model H Sc
- Sauer 7.65mm Automatic
- Walther 9mm Automatic
- Mauser 7.63mm 1932 Machine Pistol
- Schmeisser 9mm 38 Machine Pistol
- Schmeisser 9mm 40 Machine Pistol
- Bergmann 9mm 1934 Machine Pistol
- Erma 9mm Machine Pistol
- NeU’hausen 9mm Machine Pistol
- Sdlmeisser 28 II Machine Pistol
- Steyr So1of1hurn 9mm Mochine ·Pistol
- 7.92mm (Special) Machine Pistol 44
- Volksturm Geschuss 7.92’mm (Speciol)
- Service Rifles
- Mauser Carbine 7.92mm Kar 98k
- Troining Rifles
- 7.92mm G41 and 41-W ,Rifle
- 7.92mm G41M Rifle
- 7.92mm Gewehr 43
- 7.92mm Kar. 43
- Semiautomotic Rifles
- 7.92mm FG 42 Autorifle
- 7.92mm MG34
- 7.92mm MG42
- Maxim 7.92mm MG 08-15
- Raketen Ponzerbusche
- Faustpatrone
- Machine Weapons
- Greece
- Service Rifles and Carbines 435
- Hungary
- Frommer 7.65mm Automatic
- Hungarian Pistols
- Service Rifles
- Machine Weapons
- Italy
- 10.35mm Service Revolver
- Service Revolvers and Pistols
- Beretta 9mm 1934 Automatic
- Glisenti 9mm 1910 Automatic
- Beretta 9mm Submachine Gun
- Beretta 38-42 Machine Pistol
- Fiat Model 15 Machine Pistol
- Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle
- Italian Rifles
- Notes on Italian Weapons
- Automatic Weapons
- Breda 6.5mm 30 Machine Gun
- Revelli (Fiat 1914) 6.5mm MG
- Fiat 8mm 35 Machine Gun
- Japan
- 9mm Model 26 (1893) Revolver
- Nambu 8mm 1914 Auto
- Model 14 (1925) 8mm Auto
- Model 94 (1934) 8mm Auto
- Revolvers and Pistols
- Arisaka Model 38 6.5mm Rifle
- Model 38 (1905) 6.5mm Carbine
- Model 99 (1939) 7.7 mm Rifle
- 7.7 mm Jap Garand
- Nambu 6.5mm 1922 Light Machine Gun
- Model 99 (1939) 7.7 mm LMG
- Note on Japanese Machine Guns
- Hotchkiss Heavy MG Model 92
- Type 01 7.7 mm Heavy MG
- Machine Weapons
- Mexico
- Mendoza 7 mm Light Machine Gun
- Netherlands
- Dutch Weapons
- Norway
- Norwegian Weapons
- Poland
- Polish Weapons
- Portugal
- Service Rifles and Carbines
- Service Pistol
- Rumania
- 1893 Mannlicher
- Russia
- Service Revolvers and Pistols
- Nagant 7.62mm Revolver
- Pieper 7.62mm Revolver
- Tokarev 7.61mm Auto
- Machine Pistol 34-38
- Machine Pistol 40
- Machine Pistol 41 PPSH-41
- Moisin 7.62mm Rifle
- 7.62mm M91 Rifles
- Simonov 7.62mm M36 Semiauto Rifle
- Tokarev Model 38 7.62mm Semiauto Rifle
- T okarev Model 40 Semiauto Rifle
- Degtyarov 7.62mm M 1938 LMG
- Maxim 7.62mm Machine Gun
- Notes on Russian Small Arms
- Spain
- Revolvers and Pistols
- Astra 9mm Model 400 Auto
- Star Auto
- Service Rifles and Carbines
- Sweden
- Swedish Weapons
- Lahti M40 Pistol
- Switzerland
- Schmidt-Rubin Series Rifles
- M 1906 and M 1943 Pistols
- Machine Weapons
- Turkey
- Turkish Weapons
- United States
- Colt .45 M 19 1 7 Revolver
- Smith and Wesson .45 M 1917 Revolver
- Colt 1911 and 1911AI .45 Auto
- Reising .45 M50 and 55 Submachine Gun
- Thompson .45 M 1928 Submachine Gun
- M I Submachine Gun
- M3 Submachine Gun
- M I Carbine
- M I A I Carbine
- M2 Carbine
- Springfield M 1903 Rifle
- Enfield M 1917 Rifle
- Garand M 1 Rifle
- Browning .30 1918 and 1918A I Autorifle
- Johnson M 1941 LMG
- Johnson 1944 LMG
- Browning .30 1917 and 1917 A I MG
- Browning .50 M2 Machine Gun
- Rocket Launcher AT MI
- Recoilless Rifles