Peabody – Martini Rifles 1873 Circa- Providence Tool Co.


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Peabody – Martini Rifles c1873- Providence Tool Co.

40 pages, about 8 1/2" x 11", glossy soft-covers in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. This copy is printed on heavy, super-white paper. Fully Illustrated.

We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.


Large carefully drawn cutaway drawings with annotations, illustrations of various bayonets, target scores, discussions about cartridges and the union Metallic Cartridge Co., loading tools, The Metcalfe patent Cartridge Block Attachment (with great illustrations), Rice’s Patent Trowel bayonet, Extracts from Reports of Experiments, the Elcho Saw Bayonet, Illustrations of troop deployments, The Rice Metcalfe Stacking Swivel, Rice-Metcalfe Hooks and Hook-Swivels. Creedmore” and UMC Ammo… The booklet was written to appeal to both the military and to sportsmen.

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