P. Powell & Son, Gun & Goods Catalog 1875 (Ohio)
This catalog features weapons, gun cleaning equipment, reloading gear and gun related miscellaneous. They were early mail order merchants based in Cincinnati , Ohio but they state that they will ship C. O. D. no farther south than New Orleans nor further west than Omaha.
51 pages, about 5 1/2″ x 8″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. from a very fragile original This copy is printed on heavy, super-white paper. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- 8 styles of custom rifles
- Air or dart guns, Flobert, Cap and Shot Rifles
- American Single Barrel Powder and Ball Pistols
- Belgian Steel Guns
- Breech Loading Central Fire Double Guns
- Bussey Patent Gyro Pigeon Trap
- Cap and Shot Rifles
- Cartridge Derringers
- Chaplain
- Cleaning and Loading Equipment
- Colt’s Breech Loading Revolvers
- Colt’s Improved Light Belt or Holster Revolver
- Colt’s pocket Revolvers
- Colts Holster Revolver
- Colts New Model Seven Shot No 157
- Colts No 159 and 160
- Common Double Shot Guns
- Double Barrel Powder and Ball Pistols
- Double Grip, Lock Joint, Lever Under Guard, Central Fire, Back Action Locks
- Double Shot Guns
- Forehand & Wadsworth New Model Cartridge Revolver
- Forehand and Wadsworth Revolver (formerly Allen and Wheelock)
- Forehand No 52, 53, Bull Dog
- Forehand No. 54 Swamp Angel
- French Flobert Saloon Rifle
- Greener
- Gun Cases and Covers
- Guns Made to Order
- Harris
- Henry Repeating Rifle 14 Shooter ( Secondhand)
- Hollis
- Hughes
- Hunting Knives, Billies, Slingshots, Pen and Pocket knives, Powder Flasks, Shot Bags, Game Bags, Wad Cutters etc. etc. (listed not illustrated)
- Importers and Dealers in Guns And Gun Goods
- J. Hollis and Sons Birmingham Guns
- Laminated Steel Barrel Guns
- Mills
- Moore and Co. Barrels
- Mortimer
- New Alert Revolver
- New Alert Revolver no. 162
- New Empire Pocket Revolver
- New Little Joker Revolver
- P Powell and Sons 1875 No 1,2,3,4,5, and 6
- Perkins
- Powder and Ball Revolvers
- Powell Loader
- Powell Rifles
- Powell’s own breech loading squirrel and deer rifle
- Powells Deer and Squirrel Rifle
- Remington Breech Loaders No 46, 47
- Remington Double Barrel Shotgun No 852,853,854
- Remington New Revolver No 59, 60 and 61
- Remington No. 885
- Remington, Winchester and Spencer’s Breech Loaders
- Remington’s New and Improved Model Revolvers
- Rifle Attachment to Breech Loading Shot Guns
- Rifle Attachment to Breech-Loading Shotguns
- Rifles and Shot Guns of Foreign Manufacture
- Rifles for Saloons, Pic-nics, Parlors and Side Show Men
- Rifles for Saloons, Picnics, Parlors and Sideshow Men
- Second hand Colt Revolvers
- Sharp’s four shot pistol
- Sharps 4 Shot Pistol
- Side Lever Snap Action
- Side Lever, Snap Action
- Single and Double Shot Guns
- Single Barrel Cartridge Pistols
- Single Barrel Shot Guns
- Smith & Wesson New Model Revolvers
- Smith and Wesson 1 1/2
- Smith and Wesson New Model Revolver No 1
- Smith and Wesson No 46 and No.3
- Smith and Wesson No. 2
- Spencer Eight Shooter
- Standard Revolver
- Steel Barrel Guns
- Stephens Patent Single Barrel
- Terms and Letter from Buyers
- Terms to Clubs and Agents
- The Celebrated Standard Revolver
- Top Lever Snap Action
- United States Arms Co. Pocket Revolvers
- United States Arms Company Revolvers
- W C Scott Guns
- W. Greeners Make
- Weston
- Whitney 48
- Whitney No. 48
- Whitney No. 48 1/2
- Whitney’s New Model Cartridge Revolvers