A. Hollis c1915 Guns, Rifles and Handguns- Bombay & London
80 pages, about 11″ x 8″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.
Successors to W. & E. Hollis
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- A. Hollis c1915 Guns, Rifles and Handguns- Bombay & London
- About Modern Nitro Powder
- Air Gun Targets
- Air Rifle Bisley 1905
- Best Quality Outside Hammer Guns
- Breech Loaders
- Browning Bay Pis tol
- Cigar Case Pistols and Pocket Revolver In Pipe Casee
- Cleaning Accessories
- Collector or Naturalist Collectors Guns
- Colt New Pocket Revolver Colt Deringer
- Cordit Hammerless Gun with Deeley Pattern Big Bore Guns
- Dear Stalking Knives
- Decoy Duck
- Deluxe Sidelock
- Field Gun and Jungle Guns
- Field Loading
- Gem Militia Air Gun
- GuN Covers, Bags Ammo Belts Slings
- Hollis Bull Dog Revolvers
- Hollis Constabulary Revolves and Third Grade Constabulary
- Hollis Cordite and Express Ammunition
- Hollis Cross Eyed Guns and Semi Cross Eyed
- Hollis Hammer Guns
- Hollis Hammerless Ejector Side Lock Cordite Gun
- Hollis Pocket Revolvers
- Hollis Self Extracting Revolver
- Hollis Single Muxxle Loader and Double
- Hollis Special Back Action Double, Outside Hammers
- Hollis Special Best Quality Double
- Hunting Knives and Gun Implements
- Krupp Steel Barrels
- Ladies and Boys Hammerless Doubles
- Long Range Nitro Shot Ammo
- Lyman Apertures
- Mannlicher Schonauer Take Down Model and Best 6 Shot
- Mauser Self Loading Pistol
- Millita Air Rifles
- Mini Martini Henry Cadet Rifles
- Model Deluxe Hammerless Ejector
- Moon Foresights
- New Cordite Singles
- New Long Range Nitro Shot
- Prices
- Recoil Pads, and Protectors
- Reloading Implements
- Safety Bar Double Guns
- Shot and Ball Gun High and Medium Quality
- Smith Wesson Double Action and New Departure
- Smith Wesson Pattern Revolvers Ejectors
- Sport Seat
- Sporting Mauser .275 Bore
- Stevens Little Krag Rifles
- Telescopes for Sport and Military
- War Office Miniatures
- Webley Auto Pistol .32 8
- Webley Revovlers Express, 310, Bulldog, Mark III, New Army
- Winchester 44 same as 86
- Winchester and L yman Foresight
- Winchester Model 1895
- Winchester Rifles Model 1886 including .33
- Winchester Single Shot Model 1902