Schoverling, Daly & Gales 1912 Guns & Sports Supplies
264 pages, about 8″ x 5 1/2″, glossy soft-cover in full color. New re-print restored and digitally enhanced. Fully Illustrated.
We are not affiliated with any arms or gun manufacturer.
- Air Pillows 185
- Air Rifles 85,86,87,88,89,90
- Aluminum Cap Utensils 190,191,192
- American Hammer Guns 39
- Ammunition 117,129
- Ammunition Cases 149
- Ankle Supporters 236,237
- Athletic Jerseys 228
- Apparatus 238,239
- Grips 228
- Shoes 231,232
- Library 241
- Automatic Pistols 92,93, 97,98
- Automobile Stools 187,188
- Axes, Camp 210,211
- Baby Hammerless D.A. 110
- Baker Shot Guns 36
- Baldwin Camp Lamps 203
- Bandages 236,237
- Banners 235
- Barometers and Compasses 250 to 209
- Baseball, Indoor 253
- Basketball 246,247
- Batavia Rifles 81
- Belts, Cartridge 149,150, 151
- Binoculars 204
- Blank Cartridge Cannon 132
- Blankets 184
- Blazers 230
- Blue Rocks 130
- Boat Cushions 185
- Boots 166,167
- Boxing Gloves 248,249
- B.S.A. Rifles 86,89
- Bushings 132
- Calls 143
- Cameras 260
- Camp Sundries 197
- Cam and Pocket Axes 210,211
- Camp Furniture 186,187,188,189
- Canvas Leggings 165
- Canoe Cushions 185
- Caps and Hats 234
- Carbines, Mauser 84
- Carbines, Luger Automatics 92
- Cartridges 124to 129
- Cartridge Belts 150
- Cartridge Bags 152
- Cases, Shotgun and Rifle 144 to 149
- Century Rifles 81
- Charles Daly Guns 8 to 19
- Clay Birds 130
- Cleaning Rods 135,136, 137
- Clothing, Basketball 247,248
- Clothing Football 244, 245
- Coats, Hunting 154 to 157
- Coats, Sweater 170, 171
- College Flags 235
- Colt Revolvers 94,95,96,97, 98
- Compasses and Barometers 205 to 209
- Cooking Utensils 190,191,192
- Covers, Rifle and Shotgun 145 to 148
- Crow Decoys 142, 14
- Daisy Air Rifle 88
- DALY GUNS 8 to 19
- Darts and Slugs 90
- Davis Hammerless Guns 37
- Decoy Calls 143
- Decoys 142, 143
- Derringers 110
- Durham Duplex Safety Razor 223
- Duxbak Clothing 161
- Ear Protection 132
- Eastman Cameras 260
- Elastic Bandages 236, 237
- Electrical Novelties 201, 202, 203
- Empty Paper Shells 120
- English Trunk Shaped Cases 144
- Exercising Apparatus 255
- Expert Traps 130
- Fencing Foils 256-257
- Fencing Masks and Gauntlets 258
- Field Glasses 204
- Field Sports Apparatus 238,239
- First Aid Kits 198
- Flags 235
- Flasks 199
- Flobert Rifles 82
- Folding Stools 187,, 188
- Food Bags 194
- Football Clothing 244,245,246
- Footballs 242,243
- Fox Guns 32,33
- Game Bags 152
- Gauntlets, Fencing 258
- Gillette Safety Razors 222
- Gloves 169
- Gloves, Boxing 249,250
- Gold Metal Camp Furniture 186 to 189
- Government Goods 83, 84
- Guns:
- American Hammer 39
- Baker 36
- Charles Daly Guns 8 to 19
- Davis Hammerless 37
- Fox, A. H. 32, 33
- Harrington & Richardson Hammer 38
- Harrington & Richardson Single Guns 48
- Hopkins & Allen 38
- Hopkins & Atlas Hammerless 37
- Imported Breech Loading 40 to 46
- Ithaca 35
- Ithaca Hammer 38
- Knickerbockers Hammerless 37
- Lefever Arms Co. 34
- Marble Game Getter 50
- Marlin Shotguns 54,55
- Parker 28, 29
- Remington Repeating Shotguns 52
- Remington Autoloading Shotguns 53
- SAUER & SON, J P Guns 20 to 27
- Smith, L.C. 39, 31
- Smith, L.C. Hammer 39
- Stevens, L.C. Hammerless 36
- Winchester Shotguns 56,57
- Winchester Autoloading 58
- Gymnasium Apparatus 238, 239
- Gymnasium Shoes 232
- Hammer Case 38,39
- Harrington & Richardson Single Guns 48
- Hammer Guns 38
- Revolvers 102 to 106
- Hats and Caps 234
- Heikes Hand Protectors 141
- Holsters 152, 153
- Hopkins & Allen Hammerless Guns 37
- Revolvers 101
- Rifles 82
- Hammer Guns 38
- Hunting Coats 154-157
- Boots 166, 167, 168
- Caps 162, 163
- Knives 212 to 220
- Hunting, folding etc.
- Trousers 162
- Vests 163
- Hurl Balls 254
- Ideal Loading Tools 138,139
- Implements for Guns, Rifles, etc. 132 to 142
- Imported Breech Loading Guns 40 to 46
- Indoor Baseball 254
- Ingersoll Watches 259
- Iron Targets 131
- Italian Vitterli Rifles 83
- Ithaca Hammer Guns 38
- Ithaca Hammerless Guns 35
- Iver Johnson Revolvers 107, 108
- J. O. Sauer & Sons Guns 20 to 27
- Kenwood Sleeping Bags 184
- Key Rings and Chains 226
- King Air Rifles 89
- Kits, Tool 211
- Knickerbocker Hammerless Guns 37
- Knives, Hunting etc. 212 to 220
- Ladies Mackinaw Coats 158
- Leather Bandages 237
- Leather Holsters 152, 153
- Leather Hunting Coats 154
- Lefever Shotguns 34
- Leggings 164, 165
- Liberty Revolvers 100
- Light, Pocket Flash 201,202, 203
- Luger Automatic Pistols 92
- Machine Loaded Shells 117,118, 119
- Mackinaw Coats 158, 159
- Manhattan Arms Co Guns 36
- Marble Hunting Knives 212, 213, 214.
- Game Getter 50
- Sights 114, 115
- Marble’s Safety Axes 210
- Marlin Repeating Rifles 64, 65, 66, 67
- Marlin Repeating Shotguns 54, 55
- Masks, Fencing 257
- Mattresses 184
- Mauser Carbines 84
- Mauser Rifles 59 to 63
- Maxim Silencers 91
- Medicine Balls 254
- Metallic Ammunition 124 to 129
- Moccasins 167
- Money Belts 152
- Neuman Rifle & Shot Guns 45
- New Century Rifles 81
- New Wolf Powder 123
- Oils and Rust Preventatives 140
- Oil Skins, etc. 172, 173
- Outing Hats 234
- Outing Shirts 230
- Packing Utensils 193 to 196
- Paper Shot Gun Shells 120
- Parker Guns 28,29
- Pearl Stocks 116
- Pennants 235
- Pistols, Automatic 92, 93, 97, 98
- Playground Balls 255
- Pocket Knives 217 to 220
- Police Equipment 227
- Powder, New Wolf 123
- Powder Walsrode 122
- Publications 241
- Razors, Plain and Safety 221- to 223
- Recoil Pads 141
- Remington Auto Shotgun 53
- Remington Shotguns 52
- Revolver and Rifle Cartridges 124 to 129
- Rifles:
- Batavia 81
- Cadet Rifles 82
- Floberts 82
- Hopkins & Allen 82
- Marlin 64 to 67
- Mauser Carbines 84
- New Century 81
- Reminton 80, 81
- Sauer Mauser 59 to 63
- Savage 73 to 75
- Stevens 76 to 79
- Sights 112, 113, 114, 115
- Vetterli 83
- Winchester 68 to 72
- Rifle and Short Guns, Daly 19
- Rifle Cases 146 to 148
- Air Rifles:
- Implements 137
- B.S.A. 86, 87
- Daisy 88
- Darts and Slugs 90
- King 89
- Quackenbush 85
- Revolvers:
- Baby Hammerless 110
- Colt 94 to 98
- Harrington & Richardson 102 to 106
- Hopkins & Allen 101
- Holsters 152, 153
- Iver Johnson 107,108
- Liberty Watch Chain 110
- Luger Automatic 92
- Mauser Pistol 98
- Reform 11
- Savage Automatic 93
- Schoenfield 109
- Smith & Wesson 99 to 101
- Stevens 111
- Stocks 116
- U. S. Auto & D. A. 109
- Razor Strops 224
- Riding Trousers 162
- Rings 226 226
- Roller Skates 240
- Rubber Blankets 185
- Running Pants 229
- Safety Razors 221, 222, 223
- Sauer Mauser Rifles 59 to 63
- Sauer & Son Shot Guns 20 to 27
- Savage Automatic Pistol 93
- Savage Rifle 73 to 75
- Schofield Revolvers 109
- Screw Drivers 132
- S. D. & G. Exercises 225
- Shaving Brushes 225
- Shells, Machine Loaded 117 to 120
- Empty 120
- Wads 121
- Shell Bags and Belts 149 to 151
- Shoes 231, 232
- Shotgun Covers 144 to 146
- Shogrens Score Sheets 133
- Shooting Gloves 169
- Shotgun Implements 134, 136
- Shotgun Sundries 141
- Sights 112 to 115
- Silencers, Maxim 91
- Silver’s Recoil Pads 141
- Single Guns 48,49
- Single Barrel Daly Guns 16, 17
- Single Triggers Fitted on Double Trigger Guns 47
- Sleeping Bags 184
- Sleeve Bands 235
- Smith Hammer Guns 39
- Smith Shotguns 30, 31
- Smith & Wesson Revolvers 99 to 101
- Soccer Football 243
- Sportsmen’s Clothing 163 to 169
- Stevens Rifles 76 to 79
- Hammer Guns 39
- Hammerless Guns 36
- Repeating Shotguns 512
- Target Pistols 111
- Still Hunting Shoes, 167, 168
- Stools, Folding 187,188
- Stoves 190,191,192
- Sterlingworth Guns 33
- Striking Bags 251, 252
- Striking Bag Gloves 253
- Stops Razors 224
- Supplementary Chambers 132
- Sweater 170,171
- Swedish Leather Coats 154
- Stables, Camp 188,189
- Target Pistols 101
- Targets 131
- Telescopes 91, 204
- Telescope Cots 186,187
- Tennis Shirts 230
- Tennis Shoes 231
- Tent Extras 183
- Tents 174 to 183
- Thermos Bottles 200
- Three-Barrel Hammer & Hammerless Guns Daly 18,19
- Tin Decoys 142, 143
- Tool Kits 211
- Tools Ideal 138,139
- Trap Guns, Daly 16, 17
- Traps & Targets 130, 131
- Trapshooters’ Score Sheets 133
- Belts 149,150
- Clothing 160
- Trousers 161, 162
- Trunk-shaped Cases 144
- U.S. Revolvers 109
- Utensils, Camp 190 to 193
- Utensils, Packing 194 to 196
- Viscol 226
- Vests 163
- Vetterli Vitali Rifles 83
- Volley Ball 255
- Wads, Shot Shell 121
- Walsrode Powder 122
- Watches 258
- Waterproof Match Box 226
- Whitely Exercisers 255
- Winchester Rifles 68 to 72
- Winchester Shotguns 56, 57, 58
- Winter Clothing 158,159
- Wolf Powder 124
- Wooden Decoys 142, 143
- Wool Blankets 184
- Yankee Telescope Cots 186
- Yankee Watches 258