These folks are the people who keep me going!
Dear Abby, Sounds like a letter to a columnist, but it is a thank you for the alert. I received my shipment yesterday and it was perfect. I appreciate your courtesy and professionalism very much. Please have a most wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year!
-Dwain Grunke
Abby, Thank you, your website is quite a resource. I passed your information on to about 25 friends, many are avid gun owners.
-Patrick Harris, Community Policing Technical Advisor, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abby, The 1950 Winchester catalog reprint arrived in good shape. Nice work, as always.
-John Marshall
Hi Abby, Just received my first online Newsletter from you…….Absolutely fabulous! Thank you for a great read. You and your service are just what we need…great stuff. –
-John, Sporting Shooter’s Association of Australia
Abby, Just to see what y’all have to put up with I checked your rants and raves section, things never change with the idiot faction. I can see they’re still out there in force. I’m a retired Pennsylvania State Policeman and I can tell you what you’re getting is nothing new, just the latest version of the lame brains that populate a lot of the world. It sometimes makes one wonder why if they have a human form, they can’t think, but that’s the way they are. I’m just glad to see you guys are at least trying your damnedest to furnish a record of what things were like over a hundred years ago, most people have little or no concept of the history behind the guns that exist today. I know I’ve tried off and on for a number of years to get manuals for some of my older guns without any luck. It never ceases to amaze me what the Internet has provided to those who take the trouble to look. What a lot of people don’t realize is back in the early part of the twentieth century no manufacturer furnished a manual with their guns, they assumed you knew how to run a gun and were smart enough not to point it at something you didn’t want to destroy. Those days are long gone now, at least half of any new manual is devoted to “stupid” warnings. I think you guys are doing a very good job when you consider some of the people you have to deal with, thanks for the e-mail letting me know you got my order.
-Mike Cunningham
Abby, I wanted to thank you for promptly shipping my order, I received it three days ago and meant to e-mail thanking you but got busy. The reprints are nicely done and much appreciated and received much sooner than I was led to believe from your e-mail saying it would take at least ten days to arrive. The catalogs arrived in good shape, again, thanks much.
It is nice that someone is working at keeping a record of our history at a time when most people just forget the past and why things happened. I own one of the guns in the H&R catalog, it was purchased by my great-grandfather in the early part of the twentieth century when he was assigned to be a guard on payroll shipments to the coal mine where he was working. Back then the people were more slaves than just being employees as the only place they could spend their earnings was at the company store and they were never paid enough to ever get free of the mine. Were they to leave without all their bills being paid off they would be hunted by the local sheriff and returned to the mine owner for punishment. Thanks for helping fill in a small part of my family history.
-Mike Cunningham
Abby, Received today’s first order. Was surprised by service time. Just what I needed. I will be needing other pubs. Plan to show this one around to gun shops and antique gun writers in my area. Thanks, Abby for being here for us old gringos.
-Grant Meadows
Hello Abby, I received my shipment today and, frankly, I am both surprised and pleased. I am surprised at the quality of the materials and pleased at the very quick turnaround on the order. I’ve recommended your site to my friends. Thanks very much for your help.
-Fred Wiedner
Hi Abby, I got the balance of my order today and I am very happy with the quality of both the printing and the binding. Everything was as requested and very timely. You could have just held all items until the delayed one was available, though, as I am retired and make it a point to never be impatient anymore (much better for my blood pressure, I find!). Thank you for the quality of the material and the personalized service. It is so nice to deal with an individual as opposed to a large, impersonal corporate culture. You are the epitome of the great American entrepreneurial spirit! I truly thank you and wish you all success.
-Kerry Anderson
Dear Abby – A much belated “thanks” for the Page Lewis catalog. It’s been lots of fun. After reading some of the comments posted in the “R&R” column, (2) things come to mind. One is that you evidently possess the patience & tolerance of a saint. The second is that it’s clearly disappointing some people could not have been legally prevented from breeding. Matt Stolle P.S. So, you don’t sell guns or parts, is that right? (Kidding. Settle. Sorry, couldn’t resist.) P.P.S. I have this old paperclip – could you tell me when it was made, and by who? And could you send blueprints of it? (Again, sorry. I can’t help it.)
Hello Abby, Thank you for providing such a good service. As you may know, gun ownership is very limited in the UK with many restrictions and regulations. So even collecting firearms is difficult. As I have an interest in firearms the next best option is a collection of firearms-related literature and having period reproductions is great.
-John Higgins
Abby, from what I see of my order anyone bitchen needs to realize that even a good copy can only be as good as the original. They could search for an extended time to buy the original at several times the cost and still not end up with as good a copy. Most of the items you provide are very hard to find and finding a quality copy at an affordable price ain’t gonna be easy.
-A very pleased customer, who will be back for more. Ug’s Rant, James G Rush
Hey Abby – The Winchester Books arrived today, super quality. I am very happy with them, they contain a wealth of information on my two most recent rifle purchases. Your repros are my most valuable resource for all my older collections. Thanks for fast service with a quality product.
-Wayne Ruxton
Abby, I have received the books. There are beautiful copies and I thank you very much. I’m looking in the website very carefully.
-Paolo Ronco, Roma
Abby, I just spent an hour reading your rants & raves and enjoyed every minute. You’re a real pistol and I would love to meet you. It’s not hard to believe there are so many idiots out there, I deal with them every day also.
Hi Abby, I appreciate the quality of your reprinted publications and your friendly, personal service. Your email newsletters are also entertaining and informative. Your patience with some of the cranks is commendable. You must be a former teacher.
-Blaine Milner
Abby, Thanks for the prompt delivery of the very nice facsimile of the Austrian M98 Revolver (aka Rast Gasser) manual and the nice eBay feedback.
-Larry Dunn
Abby – Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate the high-quality books and fast service. It is a good feeling to know that there are still businesses out there that believe in quality goods and fast service. I just won a bid on Gunbroker of some Lyman dies and the Lyman catalog and Lyman Sights fit right in with my purchases. The Martini-Henry manual is excellent and fits right in with my rifle.
Hi Abby, I received my first order today, and I must tell you how impressed I am with the quality of the reprints and bindings-simply outstanding! Being a self-professed gun nut and history buff I am very happy I found your site. You can count on more of my orders in the very near future. Thanks so much, Abby. PS Excellent delivery time as well.
Thanks, Abby, Too long since the last time, but I have enjoyed your newsletters in the meantime. I just love to see how stupid some of the customers are. You must be a patient person.
-Erik in Norway
Thanks, Abby, yes this answers my question, think I’ll place an order. Thanks for the newsletter, great reading, especially rants and raves, made my morning. My very first order came last week, reprint of 1902 Winchester catalog, more than I expected.
You gentlemen really do one hell of a GOOD JOB, Keep up the Great Work.
Thanks, Ken, heh, heh! Abby
Just wanted to thank you for the way you packaged the books I bought from you the other day. My 11-year-old daughter volunteered to strap on her x-country skis and go to get the mail for us on Friday. Needless to say, the box was pretty soaked by the time she got back with it. I was hoping that the books were at least readable, was both surprised and relieved, to find them bone dry, and in perfect condition!
Hey Abby, Got the Stevens catalogs. Love them! I also love your website, especially the “Rants & Raves”. Ever thought about publishing them in a book? People can be so stupid! Also, I loved the catalogs so much, I just ordered a Mauser Automatic Pistols. Take care and keep up the good work!
Abby, I just saw your ad in Handloader magazine. Brilliant. You are going to the shooting world’s “G” spot. I gave the Winchester catalog to my son for Christmas and he was(is) mesmerized, to say the least!!! Thanks for a service that lets us relive those catalog yearnings of our youth.
-David M
Dear Abby: I am so glad I found your address. My initial contact was when I was on a nostalgia kick and requested a Marbles catalog and a Stoegers catalog. We then corresponded and I feel like I know you. Congratulations on a nice-looking office. Please don’t let jerks like that Scot disturb you. It takes people like him to make us appreciate good people. I am glad I collect Axes instead of Stetsons. I will not have to do business with him. I would E-mail him on what I think of jerks like him but I do not want him to have my E-mail address. As I collect Axes and not guns I have not purchased any more reprints. I do collect Marbles stuff. It is unfortunate a good old company like Marbles has allowed their name to be placed on a cheap Chinese junk. Wonder if they had continued to make and sell good merchandise like they were once noted for if they would be in Bankruptcy. I do read your newsletters and enjoy everyone. The computer information has been a big help to a dummy like me. If you put them all in a Computer for Dummies book by Abby I will purchase one. Thanks for being another friend.
-Earl H
Hey Abby, the pleasure is mine, you can be sure of that. The books you offer are a treasure trove for a history-oriented gun crank such as myself. I told you you’d be getting more of my money.
Abby, Received the reprints and they are wonderful. Vorisek really did a nice job and I’m thinking about buying a few more of his tomes. I do have to wait until I settle with my restoration gunsmith on a few items. FYI the old Stevens single shot target pistols are really accurate for their age and original low price. Thanks. Hope you have a grand 2011
– Go Blue! Jerry
Hey Abby, Hope you have a great holiday season & much success next year. Your business has really helped me do my research. Since I haven’t stopped collecting I hope to be around for you for a few more years to come… 🙂
Abby, Just wanted to say thanks for the catalog. This was the second I’ve bought from you and enjoy them both. Lots of great info. I will be ordering more soon. I also wanted to let you know that I’ve been enjoying Ross Seyfried’s column as well. I found you through his writings. I hope there will be plenty more columns from him to come.
-Doug H.
Thanks so much, Abby. I really enjoy your newsletter. The Von Frantzius story and catalog are quite remarkable. The “roaring twenties” are my favorite decade, wish I could have been there (Boardwalk Empire on HBO does give you a feel for it). And, I never would have known about the book Hemingway’s Guns without your wonderful newsletter!
Abby: I appreciate you and your Company, Cornell Publications…thank you for adding more enjoyment to the hobby of collecting vintage firearms and related paraphernalia.
Abby, The package with the manuals arrived this morning – well, that was quick! I already own a b&w copy of a similar manual (the USAAF Gunner’s Information File) purchased some years ago from somebody else, but your color print is far superior in quality – for almost the same price. I’m fully satisfied with the result and you may consider me another happy customer of Cornell Publications 🙂
Abby, Thanks for making all of these primary sources easily available!
Hi Abby, Thanks for offering such interesting reprints of classic firearms books & catalogs.
Abby – Thanks so much for the quick service on the subject catalogs – they arrived in perfect condition & I am well pleased with the quality! I will be perusing your lists as there are a few other items I will be ordering. Will also turn a couple of other “gun buddies” on to your site. Just got my first newsletter – will be looking forward to them each month.
Abby, Received most recent order. Don’t see how you can do it so inexpensively, but am sure glad you do.
Hi, Abby, Just a quick note to thank you for being so pleasant and conscientious in your business! The world needs more people like you. I have only made one purchase from you, some time ago, and overlooked paying for it promptly via Ebay. I offered to send extra payment to help cover your inconvenience, which you would not accept. However, more importantly, you were so gracious in your reply that you put me at ease about my error. Needless to say, you instantly made it into my “excellent human beings” list. 🙂 I know there is a significant population of “jerks” out there that probably make you want to grit your teeth, but you have many more who think very highly of you. Simple acts of kindness that you probably take for granted are not forgotten by others. Thanks again, and all the best to you!
Abby, I guessed right and the M.Hartley Co. catalog has opened up a whole new line of research and has answered my initial questions relating to the source of a whole group of cadet training rifles. Your catalog reprints are a great value.
Abby. You provide a GREAT service that is prompt, courteous and much appreciated. Keep it up and ignore any negative comments as they are just so much BS from insignificant people.
I received the parker catalog today thanks. As always I was very pleased. Short story- a friend went to England on holiday to catch up with cartridge collecting friends when he got back he gave me a cleaning tool as a gift. The container described what it was for. I knew where I could find a catalog to go with it. After checking your website and the list of contents i found the exact one I needed. So once again thanks. Next time I order I will probably be back into the ammunition catalogs.
PS I enjoy the newsletters keep them coming.
Ms Abby, I am very pleased with my latest order. They are of such high quality I am amazed you can do them at such a reasonable price. Every time that I buy an old rifle or revolver I like to have the manufacturer’s catalog or owners manual to go with them. Thanks for the fast shipping and reasonable prices.
Hi, Abby, Just a quick note to thank you for being so pleasant and conscientious in your business! The world needs more people like you. I have only made one purchase from you, some time ago, and overlooked paying for it promptly via Ebay. I offered to send extra payment to help cover your inconvenience, which you would not accept. However, more importantly, you were so gracious in your reply that you put me at ease about my error. Needless to say, you instantly made it into my “excellent human beings” list. 🙂 I know there is a significant population of “jerks” out there that probably make you want to grit your teeth, but you have many more who think very highly of you. Simple acts of kindness that you probably take for granted are not forgotten by others. Thanks again, and all the best to you!
Abby, Thanks again for your fine service. You are an invaluable resource for people like me who are interested in the history of firearms. I am constantly amazed at some of the complaints you report. Very few vendors provide such outstanding service and are so meticulous in describing exactly what is offered. Thanks again!
Abby, just a note to say that I really enjoy your newsletter. Although I only order from you occasionally, I think your service and your attitude is great. Keep up the good work, OK?
Dear Abby,I duly received my last order. I hope to see you one day in Paris, France (if you come, don’t forget to make me know).
-“Jesse” Gerard S
Hi Abby; Just received my catalog yesterday-thanks very much-I should now be able to figure out the missing parts to my Hopkins & Allen 12 Ga. single-it’ll make a fine Turkey gun. Also just got your newsletter this morning-very cool! I will be exploring it. Thanks again from central Ontario, Canada.
-Bob M
Abby, The catalogs arrived today and they were worth the wait! Both are absolutely fantastic reprints.
Abby, You’re the best and just what I need to document a sword.
Thanks Abby, Must say your catalogues really help with my research at times. Your customer service is also second to none.
Hello Abby, I always enjoy updates from Cornell Publications. Your work is very important and I am sure that there are many collectors, and others, who appreciate what you do in providing the materials that you do. Keep up the good work and I shall look forward to receiving my latest acquisition from you.
-Hugh C.
Hi, Abby, Thanks very much! I love your reproductions. It would be difficult NOT to be a regular customer.
Miss. Abby , Received my latest order of your reprints and as usual they are of very high quality and excellent reference for me as they apply to various rifles and or pistols I own. Thanks for an excellent product and fast shipping. It is very much appreciated.
A year or so ago, I purchased several catalog reprints. One was a Winchester from 1898. Since I have a Winchester Model 94 from the same year, I use this old catalog every time I go to gun shows. It’s an invaluable tool when looking for vintage parts and Winchester guns. I’m glad you’ve preserved these old publications. Thanks.
-Gardner E.
Abby, you have so much to offer and I only have so much shelf space. Great stuff!!!!
Hi Abby, The BSA catalogue arrived, well worth the wait it is excellent, the data inside was very useful. I read you get some gripes. Some people, unfortunately, do not realize what is involved. For the price do they really expect a facsimile? I will always speak favourably of you and your services.
Abby, I loved your rant and rave section! Way to give it to that guy (Scott Forest). Thanks for the always informative newsletter- good work!
-Karlie S.
Scott, I don’t know Abby except through her web site. I’m wondering why you contacted her for info on Stetson hats. Also, why would you become so upset/pissed off about her answer? Finally, I encourage you to do what you said you would do about letting people know about your treatment at her web site then everyone will be served accordingly. Thanks a bunch!
Dear Abby: I am so glad I found your address. My initial contact was when I was on a nostalgia kick and requested a Marbles catalog and a Stoegers catalog. We then corresponded and I feel like I know you. Congratulations on a nice looking office. Please don’t let jerks like that Scot disturb you. It takes people like him to make us appreciate good people. I am glad I collect Axes instead of Stetsons. I will not have to do business with him. I would E-mail him on what I think of jerks like him but I do not want him to have my E-mail address. Thanks for being another friend.
-Earl H
Abby, Are there other sources of info based on rifle serial number besides Griffin and Howe and Abercrombie and Fitch? Thank you in advance for your response,
-Tom Van D
Tom, that is a rather vague question. Try this link on my website: Serial Numbers
Dear Abby, Always enjoy the time-travel effects of your scans and pubs. Never intend to be a malcontent like some ‘characters’ you have posted on your site, but must point out a sorta minor problem with last order. The Robert Hughes & Sons 1894 has rather light printing–which wouldn’t be too much of a complaint by itself; I would of course wish for pristine photo-quality of all pubs, but know that that would be lots more expensive–but quite a few pages have blotched-over images imprinted from adjacent pages, as if there were a toner/ink bleed-over or something gone wrong with the printing. Maybe this is a quality-control issue, if you have staff doing this for you possibly too hurriedly, but definitely not up to the usual standard of your products. Not demanding refunds/ replacements and don’t want to hassle you unduly, but also thought you’d like to know, even from a ‘friendly’ customer.
Dear David, Thanks so much for your note, and yes, I know about the Hughes. The problem is that the original was printed on cheap, thin newsprint which did two things. It bled through from the opposite side and the ink itself melted onto the opposite side on a couple of pages. It is pretty nearly impossible to edit those phantom images out an still keep the price of resale reasonable. For example, the first catalog I did was the 1955 Bannerman. It took me three months to edit the whole catalog and, in total, I’ve sold about 25 over six years. You can see the return on investment is pretty low for that one! Then I discovered that the 1927 Bannerman originals are much better than the later ones that Bannerman themselves simply copied and recopied. Ah well. Anyway, the Hughes catalog would take some time to clean up and the return I expect is to sell two or three a year. Fortunately I make up for the low individual numbers by offering over 3000 choices but I have learned to spend my time carefully, especially since my staff consists of me, myself and I!.I vowed to not hire anyone because becoming an employer would raise prices and headaches by a factor of three. This is a labor of love and a strong desire to preserve a segment of history that will otherwise be lost. My meager contribution to society.
I hope this explains if not excuses some of my poorer copies, but please, any time you are disappointed with anything I send you, think nothing of asking for your money back. It would be my pleasure to make the refund. And thank you so much for your comments. They are certainly justified. Best, Abby
Thanks very much Abby. I hope you and yours had a great holiday season and healthy and happy 2010. Your catalogue is addictive beyond belief. I need my monthly fix. Short story. I ordered one of the Badminton books our of curiosity, devoured it, had to have another. But my addiction grew. My wife and I have a house near the New York/Vermont border. We wandered out of the wilderness into Manchester. Stopped into an antique/cigar store and he had about 7 original Badminton volumes. So I had to buy originals of the ones I bought from you (some sort of plot here?). Now he is going to look for more when he goes to England this spring for me. The beauty of your copies is that they can be read! The originals I got for my library are really too delicate. I travel alot and I just throw your copy in my carry-on and use it to pass the time while traveling. I can replace a damaged copy for next to nothing. So thanks again and the best to you all.
-Frank K
Hello Abby, I’ve just ordered 4 items and paid upfront through Paypal. I particularly wanted to say thanks for keeping me on your mailing list even though its been a while since I last ordered. I also wished to remark on your Rants & Raves segment. I just love reading your handling style towards the rants. Better than any comic strips or TV comedy. Seems to me you are more than fair handing out refunds to both disenchanted free-loaders and dunderheads. The amazing thing is that there are such illiterate imbeciles cluttering the ether. Keep up the good work, also those wonderful rant quips.
-Chookster, north-east Victoria, Australia
Dear Abby: Your newsletter is the highlight of the day. Always brings a Big smile and good information.
–Roger D.
Abby: Looking forward to it! My son is getting my father’s Mossberg 20 Gauge 85B (1940s bolt action shotgun) for Christmas and this catalog is a supplemental present that he will go crazy over! Thanks for putting these types of historic pieces together so our memories can be enhanced!
Hello Abby, you always amazes me the way you remember us all. My Thanksgiving was so great with my family all here.
Greeting’s Abby, Wow! This is the first time in my 67 years that I have talked to the ‘Printer, Binder and Shipper’ all at the same time. I have been refurbishing these old timer guns for many years. It’s really great to see the original boilerplate, so to speak. It’s almost like talking to Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Allen about their inventive ideas. Good to see that someone is saving these printed pieces of our nation’s History.
-Roger K.
Abby, Mauser 1926- great book ..tells me all i want to know thanks
-d.d.h. www.ddsdaggers.com
Nice to touch base with you. To be honest, I did not know that your site existed until a friend of mine put me on to it – what a great surprise! I do have a few early catalogues myself, some of which you do not have. I will dig them out in the near future, and let you know the titles, and condition, which may be of interest. You are providing a welcome opportunity for people like me to obtain catalogues and books that are virtually impossible to obtain in Australia.
-Ray Mc Mahon
Hi Abby. Bet you didn’t know you could make an old man so happy ! I really am so pleased and almost overcome with nostalgia. Sad isn’t it ? Oh, and I’m still in love.
-Roger S.
Abby, Just wanted to send a note of thanks for the Daisy BB gun re-prints that I received today. They are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL !!! What GREAT addition to my Daisy collection. Thank You
– Melvin K
Thanks much, Abby. I’m impressed with your business and website; you’ve helped to address an obvious need, and have done it very well.
-George E.
Dear Abby, I have been on your e-mail list for some time now. But for some reason I was not able to open up your site. I think that is your fault! I was able to see your list of those cat you offer and I found the ones that I want. That was at 3:00 this afternoon and now it is 7:30 and the catalogs have not arrived. I had expected them (I don’t know which ones that I wanted) to be delivered via airmail. YOU should have had a USPS person drop in by parachute so I could get my things within 5 days. I don’t know if I paid you but I want my money back anyway! Abby, I want to thank you for your gripes column, I could not help but laughing at the stupidity of some people. Thanks for the humor!
-Tom G.
Abby, Your enterprise is remarkable. It must take a lot of time and dedication to amass the catalog of documents that you offer. It’s an important bit of historical preservation.
-Lee F
Hello Abby, I learned about your website yesterday…it’s a wonderland. You most definitely have my support, and gratitude. This is a great mission you’ve taken on.
Abby, I praise you girl in the highest regards, curious weapon seekers with a myriad of info to locate is readily available by your great work young lady. Hey! Keep up the nice talent Abby. You are deeply appreciated!
-Mark Korkos
Dear Abby, Even though I purchased only one thing from your site, and that was some time ago, thanks for continuing to send me your newsletter. I thoroughly enjoy reading it. I’ll probably need some professional help in getting me to stop playing the Parachute Jump game. My wife is playing it now. The photos of you in the Raves & Rants section are terrific. It’s always great to have a photograph to go along with a name. If I can help you with something in Seattle give me a shout.
-Bill H.
Hello Abby, Thank you very much for making so many great old publications available again. The Destroyer item is part of a birthday gift for my wife who has one of those Destroyer carbines. I’m very sure she will be thrilled.
-David Carlson, Ph.D.
Hi Abby: Just wanted to say “thank you” for the very nice copy of Ideal’s 1904 Krag Reloading manual, as well as the Old Gun catalog you enclosed with it. You provide a very valuable service in reprinting these old catalogs. It’s not just the technical information they contain about old firearms or ammunition, but rather the glimpses of history which their pages reveal that is unobtainable anywhere else.
-Mark in Toledo
Abby, As usual I really enjoyed reading your newsletter but this time I decide to have a look at your “rants & raves” page on the website. I can only sympathise with you at some of the obviously mentally challenged people you have to deal with in your day to day business. Many thanks for giving me a jolly good laugh along the way & keep up the good work.
-Chris Robinson, (UK)
I look forward to your publication every month bc you do a good job with it and I am convinced that we deal with some of the same “cranks”. By the way, you sent me an 1865 catalogue on the Spencer some time ago and it is displayed on top of a bookcase right next to my 1865 Spencer Repeating rifle in my office for people to see. It looks pretty sharp.
You are always welcome to send revised newsletters or anything else from your company. It is always a pleasure to see what treasures you have to share with us. Thank you for your commitment to history. I don’t imagine you reap in dollars what you sow in time. It must be a labor of love and we appreciate it.
-Dave C.
Hi Abby. The package of catalogs arrived safe and sound. Thank you so very much for the outstanding catalogs you sent. I was impressed with the quality of the paper and print on each. Have a super rest of the year in sales.
Hi Abby, My catalogs arrived in today’s mail in great condition. They are absolutely wonderful in every way, much better than I expected. The two catalogs are very helpful in my research and documentation of the Winchester 1886 rifles and Colt Single Action Army peacemakers that I am interested in.
Hello Abby: I received my 1952 & 1956 Unertl manuals yesterday. They are great sources of information – especially the 1956 copy. It contained just the right info I needed to break down my scope and make repairs. My only complaint is……I couldn’t find anything to complain about! I really looked forward to being on the Rant & Rave page, but the reprints got here very fast; they contained the info I’ve been looking for; your service is great. All this for a more than reasonable price.
You’re more than welcome, Abby. I have been looking for these catalogs for a long time; I am attempting to build an accurate replica of Ernest Hemingway’s Griffin & Howe 30-06 Springfield from his The Green Hills of Africa and Under Kilimanjaro safaris, and these old catalogs will be an immense help.
You are more than welcome, Abby; you’ve always been friendly, polite, honest and open with me, as well as reliable. It has always been a pleasure to deal with you.
Making money…I just read your rants and raves…dump the reprintsand publish that stuff…funny, funny, funny- give ’em hell abby.
Thanks–I hope 2009 is a prosperous and fulfilling year for you. You have the most customer-friendly business of any I deal with or have dealt with!!
Hi Abby, Well I just got the latest book. Really, really nice. I am very surprised how you can make such good copies of books which when published could not have been that substantial. It is a real keeper. Just reading the beginning I can feel the need for more tweed clothing, gaiters and a deerstalker hat! Seriously these I think are of great value to anyone who enjoys the outdoors or has an interest in history as a window into that era. Things were very different. Some time back I had heard of the “Badminton Series” and could not find any. I was very pleasantly surprised to find this is one of them. Of course now I have to buy more but reading them keeps me off the streets.
P.S. I had previously ordered a few ammo catalogs from the 1800’s from you. I have acquired a Charles Boswell double rifle. I got very good advice on loading for it but could not make it shoot well at all. Well from one of the catalogs I ordered I got the correct dimensions and loading info to make it work. OK so what did 3 catalogs cost? Not much compared to the $4.00 or $5.00 dollars per cartridge I loaded and could not get to work until I got the catalogs. Your stuff is priceless. FK
Hi Abby: This is just a little note to say how HAPPY I have been with all items I have purchased from you this year. Also, I really appreciate the wonderful service and kindness you bring to me with every purchase. YOU ARE THE BEST, ABIGAIL.
Hi Abby – Yours must be one of the best services in a troubled world. Don’t ever change – you personify the best of America – straightforward, honest, and plain speaking – the ghost of Davy Crocket looms behind Old Glory – to quote DC “Always first be sure you are right – then go ahead!”. I think maybe a new era is dawning for the States, that great melting-pot of humanity and of new ideas – and maybe for the world. Good luck, and as England’s Oliver Cromwell used to say to his troops on the eve of battle – “Pray to God!… but keep your powder dry!” All the very best from
– Bill
Abby- I am reading through your rants and raves page… I did not realize that there were so many rude people out there… Calling you at 1am? You’d think the guy after the hurricane would have other, better things to do… Offering these old catalogs as reprints is a great service for researchers and collectors! Anyone who wishes to hunt down rare, expensive originals are more then welcomed to do so! Keep up the great work Abby and that is a really cool photo from the 60’s
Hello Abby!! Yes indeed I am a returning customer. In fact I am one of your “commenting” customers on your Rants & Raves section. Once again, I am still amazed at the idiots that say stupid things. Actually I shouldn’t be since I was a cop for 25 years and saw legions of idiots in that business. The sad part is these same mindless people can vote.
Abby, Just give me this guy Robinsens address and I’ll go talk to him. People like him are the scum of the earth and deserve a lesson in how to treat a woman. What you do is very valuable to me and has saved me money when I buy new guns for the research you have available. Please don’t become discouraged by little weasels like him!
-Ricky J. (South Carolina!)
Thanks Ricky, but I wouldn’t want you to soil your hands on Mr. Robinson. I have a pretty thick skin and know how to shake off such silly assaults. Email seems to make guys like him say things they other wise wouldn’t (I hope!). 🙂 Abby
Abby, I enjoy reading your monthly newsletters. The current newsletter containing the Rants and Rave of a particular Mr. Robinson left me stunned with disbelief. I do believe with the important service you are supplying that you are far too intelligent, and too busy as well, as to have nothing to gain by creating it. It just is incredible about the people who want something for nothing and then take the time to insult and complain when they don’t get it. What a total idiot Mr. Robinson is and that is an understatement.
The purpose of this E-Mail is to send you support and I want to thank you for all the catalogs I have received from you. Of course it is nice to own original material but they can be extremely hard to find and also very costly. The contributions you have made to my historical research project have been a great help. Finding information and dating it is extremely difficult on the period of fifty to one hundred and fifty years ago.
By being able to tap into the resource you are providing is invaluable as the information just can’t usually be found anywhere else. The prices you charge are more than fair and any serious researcher knows that because the information is so hard to come. The amount of money I have spent traveling to libraries and making copies adds up. Buying catalogs from you has made that information easy to come by and probably has saved me money because I didn’t have to spend any time looking for it or spend any money other than the price of the catalogs to find it. The silver lining is that this is one case where a few rotten apples can’t spoil the barrel. You must have alot of appreciative customers and I am one of them. I commend you for what you are doing and keep up the good work. Thanks Again for all your help.
Dear Abby, I think You are a beautiful person in everything that you do + stand for!!! I would love to take you away from all your gloom, disorder, and everything else that has you in a fit of stresses + tensions! I would take you away to exotic seas + islands on my 32ft. schooner boat! Dine you with impeccable foods + drink!! Spend lavish amounts of money on you! Express 24 Hour romantic feelings toward you! And so on; and so on…! But I digress, I need to ask an important question first! CAN I BORROW SOME MONEY FOR ALL THIS? HEE, HEE!—— Hope this rave makes ‘ya’ smile + laugh today!! I really do love your web/site!!
Dear Abby, Thank you for sharing this page and your great sense of humor. I have spent too much time reading this column but, it has been time well spent. Now I must prepare for work. Malcolm, Martha’s Vineyard ……Oh yes, I enjoy your catalogues, newsletters and other pages.
Abby, I received the reprint today. Thank you again for what you do and for the wonderful customer support! I am perusing your reprint catalog right now and expect to be ordering more of this “printed gold” in the not too distant future.
Abby: The Belding & Mull reprint arrived yesterday, along with the nice reprint of Viscount Bury’s little treatise on “Rifling and Rifle Sights”; thanks!
Hi Abby: Thanks for the Ross catalogs. They are great & just what I was after.
Abby, 1930 Mauser catalog arrived – just what I was looking for! I will certainly order from you again.
Hi, Abby. Got it, and I think it’s just terrific! And our letter carrier thought it was something not to be bent and brought it to the door. Thanks for the positive feedback, and I’ve just left the same for you.
Hi Abby, gun cats have just arrived, thanks for another jaw dropping, fast, friendly, trouble free, speedy transaction.
I am very happy that I found you. You have a lot of interesting material. And I am most happy with what I have received from you- keep on with the good work, you are doing.
Abby, I AM a repeater….it’s just been a while. I love the newsletter. It makes me want to write you a bogus email to make the news…….” I want 5 of those Model 32 shotguns with the good wood for $125…” You know what I mean.
Hi Abigail, Please forgive my clumsy fingers, I tried to save the newsletter to its folder and mistakenly sent you a reply :(( Please disregard, and thanks for the question. PS. I REALLY enjoy your newsletter !!,
Discovering your web site made my day!
Abby, Thanks, I forwarded your note to Roger. I have all of your wonderful Webley catalogs already and as I’ve told you before, its writer and collectors like me who owe you a debt of gratitude.
I had a slow afternoon, so cruised your website and went through the “Raves / “Rants”. GEEZ!!!, what you have to put up with! I am amazed at your courtesy in the responses; and at the energy you have to put in to make this “labor of love” to keep it going.
-Doug E., California
Abby, What the hell is the matter with people anyway? I have never had the remotest trouble with any of your reprints and if I had I would not immediately start screaming. I think people are just getting RUDE. Don’t take them seriously or let them get you down. I am sure that you also get plenty of notes like this from people who appreciate your unique service.
-Steve B.
Hi Abby, I just spent about a half hour reading the Rants & Raves, Pure entertainment! I like your Feisty replies. Keep up the good work you are doing, Not very many people are willing to spend most of their time preserving History for future Generations and giving this generation another look at the past. I am still saving gun catalogs.
Abby, Received your catalogues today and copies of the newsletter. just let me say I AM VERY DISAPOINTED – that I hadn’t been reading the rants and raves all along. I knew there was a lot of ignorant people in this world and reading that fortified my thinking. you are doing a great service to everyone and I for one really appreciate it. more orders will be coming( I will take 2 boxes of the bb guns – ha ha). once again, thank you very much
– Lee
Hi Abby–just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the Hopkins catalogs. All 5 of them are nice with a lot of information. The Hopkins and Allen History by Joseph Vorisek is great! All kinds of info for the H&A collector. Also many thanks for the $3 refund on shipping. Don’t see that very often. The gun collectors and firearms enthusiasts are so very lucky to have someone like you.
Abby, I just want to let you know that that the catalog reprints we received were worth every penny we spent. Being a firearm examiner from a city that has been around a long time we do get a lot of old firearms that have been used in crimes .The H&R catalogs and manuals were very valuable information. We have quite a few on display in our archive room. I took a tour to H &R factory they couldn’t provide the information that you have. Thanks again I hope the bosses approve another order.
Abby, Last week I ordered a book from you – my first order. It came today – that’s faster than I expected. I wasn’t quite sure what the “product” would look like. I shouldn’t have been concerned. It’s great! I’ve passed your website info on to some friends with complete confidence. Thanks for a great product, great service and all at a fair price.
Abby, Thanks for sending the March Newsletter. I love the letters written by non-English-speakers. The next time I write a letter to the editor I think I will be engorged with flame. Wonderful! I’m 72 and have had many careers and have met every one of your ranters time and time again in my various jobs. They really need to take their medication. They are very funny in a pitiable, annoying way. You were and, I’m sure still are, very pretty. Thanks for the entertainment of the letters and your excellent replies.
-Bob P.
Abby, I just read the section with the rants in it and am almost ashamed to admit I’m a gun collector after hearing some of the garbage you have had to put up with. You appear to be a very intelligent and fair minded person and seems to deal well with these cretins and the filth they spew at you. I hope that you continue to put out the fine products that I have bought myself. If it ever becomes too much to deal with I would like to volunteer my services to hand deliver some of your refunds to the trash talkers for you. Thanks for the wonderful work you do.
-Cliff S.
I do enjoy your newsletter, it is both a fun and informative read. I thought you were a lovely and talented lady before ever seeing a photograph of you. I guess a lot of folks don’t understand that they are “reprints”. I think it’s amazing and wonderful that you have archived and made these copies available for us. I thank you. As to your “complainer”, people are, well… people. Don’t let it get to you.
-Davis F.
I just read your Rants and Raves for the first time and can’t believe somewhat some of those idiots rant over. You clearly must love what you are doing to put up with some people’s small mindedness. Overall it was quite entertaining and made my morning as I sipped my coffee. THANKS!!!
Hey Abby, I saw your picture in the newsletter; I think you were a knockout! I’m betting you still are…
Hi!! I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the great Bear Catalogs!! I was so thrilled to get them- thank you so much for including the 1967 1/2 catalog- I can’t wait till the kids are in bed tonight so I can study them! I’ll be back for more catalogs soon- take care!
-Kim D
I really love this book, Abby! Somente lamento que eu não possa dizer ou ler o português portanto posso entendê-lo! Todo o melhor para você, o meu amigo!
Great item, friendly, informative e-mail & the fastest shipping I’ve ever seen. You really can’t get any better than this. A truely outstanding seller. THANKS
My bookshelves love Abby! My bank account seems to, as well. A+A+A+A+A+A+ all the way. GREAT DEALER! Buy with confidence.
Good to do business with, everything as agreed, fast and clean.
-Jack H.
Excellent Reproduction Catalog! Very useful for Collectors and fun for vintage gun fans alike. Priced fair for the quality you receive. Good shipping time. This Seller is an Honest Vendor who does what they say they will do. I highly recommend this Vendor and their products.
The catalogs I ordered from you in the post finally arrived (anything in Africa is rather slow). I must tell you, the quality is excelent and as a small-scale BSA collector I found them very interesting and educational. Going to show them to the guys at the club. After looking at the guide you sent me there are some more orders coming.
-Jan, South Africa
Hi Abby, The 1939 catalog arrived today, it’s even more help than I had hoped, doubly thank you very much,
Hi Abby, Thank you for having the catalog available! I have searched high and low for info on this rifle to no avail. It was my grandfathers and…
The Christophe catalog arrived today (along with the Luger booklet I loaned you, safe and sound!). The cover color photo copy is just great, and I found an illustration of the scallop box lock, double rifle I am researching. Thanks!
-John S.
Once again I applaud you for making these old catalogs available for a Fair price, I for one appreciate it a great deal!
Thank YOU for doing what you do. I was in a real bad state. I thought I’d ruined a family heirloom, and was desperate to find ANYTHING to help me remedy the situation. See… I’ve been doing my own smithing on my revolvers, semi-auto pistols and rifles, and pump action rifles and shotguns for many years, but lever actions have intimidated me.
Just finished reading the “rants and raves” page, hilarious! I can’t believe that these yahoos take the time to send you that drivel, but you handle it well. Thanks for your sense of humor!
-Phil Y.
Yippeeee Kiiiaayy, All arrived safe and well, I am as happy as a dog with two tails. Will order some more in the New Year.
Well Abby I am at a loose end, not much happening on Ebay, my last shipment from you has not arrived yet, [no sweat] so I decided to spend some time checking out your list for my next shipment. I thought I would have a quick squint at your Rants and Raves page. You’re not in this for the money are you? You just love the dumb b*******s to moan, so you can put them down with such eloquence. I loved your replies, and it’s plainly obvious that half the whiners cannot understand what reprint or repro means. I have been delighted with your service.
That Malcolm scope book is perfect! It shows me how to properly assemble my ancient scope on my ancient Savage .22 Hornet rifle. You always come through with the most interesting and obscure documents. You are doing a great service to the rest of us in the shooting and collecting world.
-Kari P.
Thank you, I look forward to the catalogs, your reprintings allow me to see what I normally couldn’t afford to!
-Forrest S.
Your book about the gatling gun arrived today. It`s very good, this manual. Thank you verry much. Will need a long time for translation. BUT—-I don`t now why, why it`s so difficult….with my ebay account? You are out; I can not vote for you. I`m so sorry. I don`t now what happend. The transaction with you, was the interresting i ever had on ebay. Thank you very much . have a nice day. Uwe I, Denmark
Thanks, it is very interesting to note that there is such a market for old brochures. I assume they have value as collector’s items. I can only imagine how the advertising progresses over the years. Wonderfull!
-Tiaan E., New Zealand
I want to tell you that I am thankful to you for all the reprinted gun and ammunition catalogs you have. For many years I’ve wanted some of the hard-to-find Stoeger catalogs, and some ot the older Ideal and Lyman books. I gave up hope of ever finding them, and now I can have them because of you!
-Kerry S., Michigan
I’m just so stoked to have found your site – it’s a veritable treasure trove of information for the enthusiast!
-Jonathan L., Australia
Just read your Rant & Rave postings. Couldn’t help but laugh at some of the entries. One interesting and glaring characteristic I noticed was that all of the whiners, indicated by their lack of writing skills, are not only rude and lack an education, but as well, are Morons!!. Keep up your good work and try to temper your frustrations about such people with, “Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down.”
-Doug W.
Keep on coming, I’m always glad to hear from you folks. Any contact, anytime, anyway is O.K. with us.
-Jack H.
Abby, Just read the Rants and Raves bits on your site! I laughed my socks off! There sure are some rude/stupid buggers out there.
-Jim B.
Nice job, Abby, Good newsletter, well formatted and easy to read. If you ever want to check out my website it is *******.com I am getting serious about collecting Swiss, Finnish and Enfield rifles. Have almost all the Swiss models, including some rare ones, same with Finns, only a few Enfields. My wife has issues… I say one rifle is just right, two is one too many, but three is a collection! Keep up the good bibliographic work, it is very valuable what you are doing.
-Kari P.
Dear Abby, I want to commend you and praise you at the same time. You have, through your idea and your hard work, closed a hole in history. Without your efforts much of the information that you have been able to collect (bring together) would have been lost forever in a matter of a few years. The old gun catalogs etc would have died with families and would not have been available to anyone. Not only have you been able to save them for future generations but you have been able to collect, categorize and assemble so that there is a single source from which one can retrieve this part of valuable history. It means so much to me and I am sure the same for thousands of other people who value times and things gone by.
-Robert. M.
Thanks. I just bought a MINT 1970 Steyr Daimler Puch Mannlicher Model M with no import marks, that has been in storage for 25 years. These catalogs will show details about them that I can not find elsewhere.
-Mario G.
Abby, Although I haven’t bought many items from you yet, thanks for keeping these manuals and flyers alive. Many times we run across old things, still serviceable, but can’t figure what they are or how to use them and your publications bring them back to life.
-John B. F.
Abby, I couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you so very much in helping me identify the Marlin I bought. You are a gem!
-Conrad G., Mannheim, Germany
Dear Abby, It is with pleasure I gratefully thank your efforts to keep old gun catalog allive to new experimentors today.
-Brett K., Kiev, Ukraine
Abby, What a great idea! Also an important collection of firearms history available to the public. I have been an antique collector for years and have never seen or heard of this resource. I look forward to your reproduction catalogs to further my knowledge of which firearms were available to the public at what time in history. I will be sharing these catalogs with other collector friends.
You had sent us a second copy of the John Moses Browning catalog for a report my son was doing.(We were worried the first one sent might not show up in time.) Well, we received the first copy in time and sent the second back unopened. So, when you receive it, that is the explanation. It was absolutely TERRIFIC of you to send that second copy and it is things like that, and people like you, that are the meaningful and valued things in life. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and caring about us. I also left positive feedback for you but that tiny space cannot do justice to your kindness and competency! Thanks again. The report was a big success and he had the little catalog for the automatic shotgun next to the huge glossy new Browning catalog! Have a good weekend.
-Laurie F
Abby, Thank you for the products and service that you supply. I love to be a customer of yours. You are one of very few people that I know that is so helpful, kind and understanding. Thanks again.
-Robert M.
I just discovered your site. It is terrific and I applaud your effort to save what will soon be lost to the generations to come. I have a number of Winchester catalogs you may be interested in. I’m returning home from Baghdad this week after nine months working in the Embassy for the State Department. I’m retiring to Presque Isle above Alpena and will send you a list of what I have and see if any of my catalogs will be of help.
-George K.
Thanks VERY much for faithfully sending me the periodic updates. I appreciate it VERY much! Have a great year, and thanks again for keeping me “in the know”!
-Peter N.
Abby, Thanks for the note, you are performing a great service for this hobby and posterity.
-Rodney S.
Abby, I read your Company’s mission statement which was included with your latest catalogue offerings and YOU WERE RIGHT ON TARGET when you said THAT IT “WOULD TAKE A MORON TO THINK” THAT YOUR REPRINTS ARE ANYTHING BUT THAT!!! Unfortunately both you and I know at least one “collector” who fits that description!!! You and your Company are doing an outstanding job for which collector’s, researchers, and others are extremely grateful. Keep up the good work.
-Tom Q.
Dear Abby, Received a selection of your catalogs last week, in particular “John Rigby & Co.” I would like to order the Double Barrel Hammerless with ejector on page 6. Unfortunately they want 65 Guineas. I have no idea how much a Guineas is worth. Is that like that noisy bird or a guinea pig? I have some Ferrets. Can I substitute some ferrets for the little pigs? What the hey, go ahead and throw in the ‘Indian Rubber Butt Plate” for 1 extra Guinea. You may choose the caliber. Oh, sorry, these are British—you choose the “calibre”. I’m just starting to look at the Purdey and Parker books. I think I”ll have some more gun orders later. (Just kidding!) I’m getting all tingly just thinking about the other books I ordered from your company. Keep those printers humming.
-Mike Robison
Note to Readers, Fortunately we get loads of nice letters and notes from people so I’m going to stop adding them here. Please don’t think the creepos outnumber the nice folks, I’m just a bit lazy!
Rob Mouat
I know I really shouldn’t highlight the gripes these folks had because their comments could reflect on me, but I just cannot resist showing how unreasonable some people can be- mean and nasty too. Actually, with over 20,000 mostly happy customers having couple dozen whiners over the years isn’t too bad. That’s something less than a quarter of one percent. So here you go- hope you don’t take these the wrong way! (I haven’t corrected their spelling and grammar on purpose).
Dear Abba and Rob, I received today your item. Just one word. Terrible. $16.95 for this crap. $18.00 for shipping, 30 days to get! Total $34.95. Unbelievable. $34.95 and you are not able to put a piece of adhesive tape correctly. I don’t think possible to give you a positive feedback on Ebay. I think will be fare better to sold this via digital way, as PDF, instead. At least, no wast time, and no waist of paper, no waist of gas, and airplane flight. I thank you for assistance in this matter and I look forward to your reply. Best regards. Luca Cecchini (Ebay-Italy)
Dear Mr. Cechini, Thank you for the photo of the package. We apologize that something happened to your manual and that the Italian postal or customs people destroyed the well packaged item. We have over 17,500 positive feedbacks and have sold hundreds of the Beretta catalog. I asked Abby to refund your money purchase price and shipping. Do not try to send this bad item back – perhaps you can use it for notes. I assume you will give us positive feedback in light of our refund and saving you the irritation of having to return the copy. I am sorry to have disappointed you and our sincerest apologies for your trouble. Sincerely, Rob Mouat (I am sure Luca’s tenuous grasp of English explains his rudeness- snivel, snivel)
(Dear Abby) I am not happy with my purchase but must leave positive feedback to get my money back. doesn’t seem fair to me or to others looking to but this product. I suggest you agree to return my money with no feedback. No feedback is better than bad feedback. Denny Stine (Ebay)
Dear Mr. Stine, I’m sorry to hear you are dissatisfied your order. Would you please be kind enough to tell me what the problem is? If it is something we did, a misprint or damage by the post office we would be pleased to fix it. If it is the content, well there is not much we can do to change that other than refund your money. Also, is it both publications you bought or just one you dislike? Once I know I’ll ask Abby to refund your money right away. Best wishes, Rob Mouat
(Dear Rob) Your material contains the same info in the Bowning Hi Power manual which I just purchased. The drawing are online. I do not need or want a calendar, or a list of your publications. Mostly it infuriates me to says I need to post positive feedback to get my money returned. Not ethical and you know it. What is shown on Ebay makes one think you are getting a manual and not xeroxed pages hand fitted into a binder. Anything I have just stated not true? Denny Stine(Ebay)
Dear Mr. Stine, I asked Abby to refund both your purchases with the postage and you may keep the things you bought with our compliments. I am very sorry to make you so angry, we don’t mean to do that, our sole purpose is to preserve this old material. Everything we offer is printed, not Xeroxed and even the binder strips, as described in the advertisement at Ebay, cost a fortune. I apologize if you were unhappy. Best wishes, Rob Mouat
(Dear Rob) I thank you. Please remove the statement about No Refund without Positive Feedback. I believe it does you more harm than good. Maybe the non positive feedback’s because what you are supplying is not worth positive feedback. Denny Stine
Dear Mr. Stine, You know, you’re right. I’ll make certain no listing of ours contains the words “No Refund without Positive Feedback”. Thanks for the advice. Sincerely, Rob Mouat (Readers- nowhere in any of our ebay ads does the copy read “No Refund without Positive Feedback”, ebay would not allow such a statement but I am glad Mr. Stine doesn’t know that.)
********************************************************* (Dear Abby) Just purchased Bannerman’s 1936 Surplus Catalog from (Ebay) for $24.95 + $7.24 S&H = $ 32.19. Afterwards I go to your website CornellPubs & the price is the same for the book but the S& H is only $5.25 for a total of $ 30.20. Would like an explanation. Than you. rx407 (Ebay)
Dear rx… Ebay charges a boatload of fees and commissions for listings and sales that we don’t pay at our website. The easiest way for us to recoup those extra costs and to keep prices affordable for everyone is to manipulate shipping. Hope this answers your question. Save money, buy at the website: Cornellpubs.com. Cheers, Abby
****************************************** Dear Sirs, I would like to order the a Remington Sportsman 48 Skeet Grade Shotgun with the 26″ barell for $124.25 – dept 7 of your catalog. Let me know how much the shipping and if you take check or money order. Yours faithfully in God, Gregory Carston.
Dear Gregory, I am sorry to tell you that the Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co. has gone out of business and the catalog you are looking at is from 1950. We reprint old gun catalogs and what you have is a reprint from us. We don’t sell guns, however. Very truly yours, Abby
I received my manual today in perfect condition. It was for the feinwerkbau model 65,80 air pistol . Your description of the manual in your ad does not state that it is printed in the German language. I would like to have a refund on my purchase as I am an American and I only speak and read English. dwk45
Dear dwk45, Please look again at the manual. It is written in German, English and French as the description says. The top text is German, followed by an English paragraph and then French. This follows throughout the manual. Please write back with any other questions. Cheers, Rob Mouat
“hello i need help i so mad no one not even u will put info down thatr is need it by people who r not so smart on this subject can u help me i want the cheapest item tho don’t like no stuff ok so here what i need i live in pa an need a bird caller that calls the birds that r in pa not a duck or a engel normal plane birds also i may get the booklet on it also witch one is better i was looking at the 1947 cuz that was the year he was born the person i am buying this for pleas text fast. hanno.nic (Ebay)
Dear hanno.nic, Uh??, could be, I guess. Abby
Hi Abby , I want all my money back , this is not what I ordered , I ordered a paper type manual not something that I download I don’t want what you sent me so please reimburse me my money …Thank you , Charles Anthony Dedecko, Attitude is everything.
Dear Charles, I’m sorry, you ordered a downloadable PDF file of the manual. I know Paypal charged you shipping, I’m trying to get them to stop and would have refunded that anyway. Are you saying you wanted the paper manual, not the one you ordered? Abby Mouat
I don’t want the postage I want all my money back , this is not what I ordered at all , and you know it , it’s a very small sum of money ,I know ; but I refuse to be ripped of by you .. Charley D Attitude is everything
Dear Charley D, I notice you say “attitude is everything”. I suggest you try to improve yours! You apparently got confused and ordered the PDF version of the Winchester Model 12, not the printed version. There are two versions available- printed copy and pdf. Here are the two links:
Winchester Model 12 Gunsmith Complete Takedown Manual
Winchester Model 12 Gunsmith Complete Takedown Manual – PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION
You selected the second or PDF version. If you care to apologize to Abby for using the “ripped off” comment I am sure she will be happy to send you the printed version after you pay for it. Meanwhile, she has refunded your purchase of the pdf version. Please delete it from your computer. By the way “off” is spelled with two “fs”. Sincerely, Rob Mouat
Dear cornellpubs, I’m interested in several of your Shooter’s Bible reproductions but would like to make sure that they will “look right” alongside my originals. Do yours have a similar soft cover and binding? Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving! – it—figures (Ebay)
Dear it-… No, I’m sorry. It is impossible to offer the 5000 different old gun catalogs, books and manuals printed to order and still print each with the original binding and cover. Besides, we would then be accused of making forgeries of originals and the ephemera collectors would be up in arms. So, our copies have the front cover (back to if there was one on the donor) of the book printed on cover stock and we bind the whole thing with fabric hot-adhesive tape. Larger books and authored books are usually embossed on the spine. That said, I have originals of most of the post war Stoegers but I don’t sell originals on Ebay at this time (too busy with the Christmas season). Cheers, Rob Mouat
(Dear Abby) I’m in search of a thick catalog bout and inch thick or more. I had a friend that had one . And it’s a catalog with old gun parts thanks, michael slade
Dear Mike, I need more of a hint. We print over 5000 catalogs, books and manuals about old guns and parts. You could be talking about a Stoeger catalog (every year since the 1920s), Dixie Gun works, Numrich or hundreds of other works. Abby
***************************************** “George Dukas gave us five, count ’em FIVE negative feedbacks at Ebay for no apparent reason. He accompanied each negative with the following comment: “FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF”. I would bet he meant to imply something other than the failing grade following “D” on a report card. When we asked him why, this is the exchange we had” —————————- Dear Mr. Dukas, I was shocked this morning when I saw you gave me five negative feedbacks. I haven’t had a negative feedback in six years and over 12,000 positive feedbacks in the same time.
Is there something wrong with your order? Did I do something to offend you? If I did, I certainly didn’t mean to and I apologize. Abby and I work hard in our retirement to preserve these old gun catalogs and negatives hurt our sales terribly. If you didn’t like what we sent, what can I do to fix this and regain your respect? Best wishes, Rob Mouat —————————-
(Dear cornellpubs”, I Ordered 5 Items & Paid For Them On Oct. 4-2015 . Todays Date Is Oct. 25-2015 !!! I Have Not Received My Items As Of Today!!!!!!! That’s What Is Wrong!! -georgedukas —————————- Dear Mr. Dukas, We shipped your order on October 6 by the USPS. I guess we can assume the esteemed post office has by now lost it or possibly ground it into confetti. This sometimes happens but we can fix it. I’ll reprint your order today and ship it again tomorrow. This time I’ll send it by Priority Mail with tracking so we can have some assurance it will arrive.
You can see from our feedback at Ebay that we are very reliable so when you get the package on (we hope) Wednesday, and assuming you are satisfied with it, may I send you revision requests to remove the five negative feedbacks you gave Abby and me? We would greatly appreciate that courtesy if you will agree. Best wishes, Rob Mouat —————————-
Dear Mr. Dukas, The Post Office is finally indicating you received the package I sent last Sunday. I am very sorry they lost the first one and took so long to deliver the second despite the premium postage they charged, but I am sure you can agree I had no control over the quality of their service. That being the case I am anxious to have the five negative feedbacks at Ebay removed. Would you please agree to revise them to positive if I send you the prescribed Ebay requests to do so? Cheers, Rob Mouat —————————- “Dear cornellpubs,” YES I Received The Package On The 30. Yes All Looks Good. Thanks! George -georgedukas —————————-
Dear Mr. Dukas, Thank you for revising the feedback on the five items for which you gave us five negative feedbacks. In future it would be simpler and in keeping with Ebay policy if you simply mentioned to the seller that there was a problem. Your five negatives cost us, as near as we can figure, about $550 in sales for the two weeks or so it took to fix your problem. I am certain you will agree that is too bad and not a necessary punishment for the post office inefficiency. Best wishes, Rob Mouat
This is an example of the sniveling we have to do to keep on the good side of Ebay “rules” and avoid the damn negatives people use as clubs.
“Hi ….. Can you please look and see if these bellows are listed in this catalog Funsten Bros. Outfitters and Fur Exchange 1919 Catalog???? IF SO, can you see if it states what kind of wood was used for these…Thank-you!!! … Gary” gfries04 (Ebay)
Dear Gary, No Bellows. Abby
Re: Nichols Stallion .45 Cap Gun Manual Dear cornellpubs, Ho. Just wondering if u will put the book between two pieces of cardboard inside of a box to prevent bending. Thanks so much – hollimaud (Ebay)
Dear hollimaud, You do realize this is a reprint don’t you- it’s only one sheet of paper folded in half to make four 8.5″ by 5.5″ pages total? We do say that in the advert in a couple of places. In the event you missed it, I will be happy to refund your money. On the other hand if you still want the piece, we put it in a plastic cover with a piece of cardboard in a tyvek envelope marked “DO NOT BEND”. You paid $1.50 shipping which actually doesn’t cover the above packing. If you want it in a Priority Envelope with more packing that would cost another $4.95 and a Medium Box is $11.00, but honestly this isn’t the Mono Lisa and even the reprint isn’t perfect. Please let me know. Rob Mouat – cornellpubs
Dear cornellpubs, Yes I do realize it is a reprint. I like to take care of my items. I didn’t know how you shipped because that isn’t said and i wanted to make sure. Also You do realize that in your description you say to email any “special handling” right? You also mention not giving negative feedback or neutral but you do realize that being rude and a smart a** to buying customers isn’t going to help that correct? I send all my sellers inquiries on the items that I spend my money buying from. You aren’t the first one but you are the rudest. I will take the book as you normally send them. No refund needed. This will be the first and the last time I will buy from you. Have a nice day. – hollimaud
Dear hollimaud, Gosh, I’m sorry you took what I said as an insult, I certainly didn’t mean it that way. I was only trying to make sure you understood what we are selling are reprints, over 5000 of them. The Mona Lisa comment was mean to be funny but I guess in retrospect it could be taken the other way, I apologize. Regarding feedback, Abby and I have over 15000 positive feedbacks and we try to keep it that way and hope you don’t bomb us over my mistake. I’ll make sure your package is carefully prepared and safe. Rob (she did leave us positive feedback for which we are grateful).
(more sniveling)
“Dear Abby, re: c1908 Claybrough catalog The item arrived today. Shipment and delivery was prompt and appreciated. I am somewhat surprised (although after reading the “fine print” it is there) that only the cover is color. I feel this is less than totally upfront. No, I am not asking to return the item, that would cost as much as the item in the beginning. Am I totally thrilled? Obviously not. Will I be a returning customer?………well……. Ed Pauch
Ed, To paraphrase a comment perhaps incorrectly attributed to Abe Lincoln, this is a case of pleasing some of the people all of the time but not all the people all the time. Every once in a while people misread the statement that the cover is in color and infer from that that the whole catalog is. Fact is we reprint color catalogs in color and black and white catalogs in black and white. We help folks to not make the mistake of thinking that B&W is color by including a photo of an inside page with the ad for it. I don’t know what else I could do to make the ad clearer.
We’ve been selling reprints for 12 years and have had only a handful of complaints about B&W not being in color, but plenty of other gripes. In the case of the c1908 Claybrough catalog, the original was B&W so there isn’t much we could do about that. I am sorry though that you feel you were deceived and want to remind you that you can return the piece and get your $14.95 back if you wish. We don’t like unhappy customers! Cheers, Rob ********************************************* “Dear cornellpubs, Thompson 1929 Guns- Price List & Catalog Hi, is it possible to show all 17 pages? Thanks for your time – houseofthesevengables (Ebay)
Dear houseofth…, No, I’m sorry, we don’t have the time to do that and if we did, we wouldn’t have much to sell. Cheers, Rob ******************************************************* “From: “S Mulsow“
Subject: Re: Cornell Publications sent you a package (Dear Abby) The tracking no. you sent is NFG.
Dear Sir, Well, let us start with your whole name or was it ordered under a different name? I have no “S Munslow” – was your purchase web, eBay, GunBroker or Auction Arms? I will be happy to help you if thats what your note means – Thanks Abby
(Abby) Let’s not start with my name – if you can’t read it from the email then I understand why you have problems. Just how many named S Mulsow do you deal with, as far as tracking you can’t seem to do it either, one way or the other. Your reliance on auto-tech does not seem to work when there is a problem. You don’t even know where it was purchased. So to quote you “if thats what your note means”, the tracking number YOU SENT did not work when digitizing on it’s hot link, nor when coping and pasting it in the USPS tracking site, probably USPS problem, but you are using them. And I don’t care how happy you are, Aye (must be a Canadian which explains a lot). NFG comes from No Fit Gage, No Fit Gun, or No FN Good. Please don’t bother to correspond on this subject further. S
Dear Mr. Munslow, So, “S”, you are an a’hole. Is that clear enough for you to understand? NFG aside, I’ll forgive your many typos… where did you go to school? Most Canadians can at least do a passable job communicating without debasing themselves as you do and even though we are not Canadian, we show them some respect, a courtesy that apparently escapes you. Cheers, creep, Rob Mouat
******************************************** So how do I know it’s a reprint? Do you or are you required to print Cornell Pubs on the reprint? Robert (Ebay)
Dear Robert… We reprint over 5000 old gun and archery catalogs but most are bound differently than originals so there will be no confusion and we do put our name on the back cover. Why do you ask? Cheers, Abby
Because I have what I thought to be an original and wanted to be sure. – Robert
************************************************** “you sold me a book that had no information that everyone didn’t know alredy, you sold me a catalog that doent have serial number or other information either then you told me to do reserch on the net and tell you more about my gun. You are supposed to tell em aboutit not me telling you! so now i’ve wasted $22 dollars and I don’t know any more then I knew befroe and you say you cant help me. you wont be in buisness long with an attitude like that and you are crooked too. Reggie Johnson”
Dear Reggie, You called and asked for a book that would give you “information” about Iver Johnson. You didn’t want to spend the money to buy the Goforth or Vorisek Iver Johnson books and said you would find information “on the internet”.
Then you ordered an Iver sales catalog reprint from us at Ebay apparently to get the date of manufacture from the serial number on your revolver. Catalogs never have serial number information because they were almost always designed and printed before the guns were ever made. Besides, you have to know what model you own to find any “information”. Often serial numbers were duplicated by the same manufacturer on different models. So you called back annoyed because the “information” you found was unsatisfactory and blamed us. Then you demanded that I identify your revolver, without a picture, on the telephone… oh heck, just let me answer you with an allegory:
“An old man, his donkey and a boy and were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along they passed some people who remarked “What a shame the old man is walking and the boy is riding.” The old man thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions. Later they passed some people who remarked “What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.” So the old man then decided they’d both walk! Soon they passed some more people who remarked “They’re really stupid to walk when they have a decent donkey to ride.” So, they both rode the donkey. Then they passed some people who shamed them by saying “How awful to put such a load on a poor donkey?” The old man figured they were probably right, so he decided they would carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.
The moral of the story?
The old man tried to please everyone and he had to kiss his ass goodbye!” Cheers, Rob ********************************************* PAYPAL… again This is not so much a rant as an explanation for why we use Paypal:
“Cornellpubs: In reference to the mail stated in your last Newsletter regarding PayPal, they are Anti Gun. As is Ebay etc. These companies donate part of the profits they make from running their business to Anti-Gun organization, it has little to do with their policy about using their services for buying or selling guns. There are many other cheap sources so you can really STOP using this Anti American organization called PayPal Your saving a couple of pennies is not worth the support of Anti Gun Organization. JC B, Butte, Montana; May The Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. psalm 90:17
Dear JC B, I wish it were that simple. The problem is that we are only two seniors running a business that has slowly grown to over 5000 website pages over the last 12 years. Abby started with Paypal when they were the only show in town and now, to dump Paypal, we would have to re-code each page for a new shopping cart and that would take hundreds of hours. There is no way I know of to automatically do the job.
Because of the time involved, that task is not a matter of a “couple of pennies” for us, especially for a business with a modest financial return. To be clear about the profit end of the business, we do this to preserve the history of firearms not to make a living. So, until someone comes up with a more efficient way to do the work to replace our shopping cart we are stuck with Paypal even if there are cheaper services out there. However, I say again, we don’t like Paypal for a variety of reasons. Cheers, Rob
************************************************* Edw K Tryon Company Sporting Goods 1929 #94 Vol II Fishing Dear cornellpubs, It’s unusual to hear of a publication like this with Paw Paw color images! and 1929 is very early for the co, too. I understand you won’t send me an image of the page but can you tell me which Paw Paw Bait Company baits are pictured? Thanks – eureka84 (Ebay)
Dear eurek… I’m sorry, Ebay rules prevent us from that sort of outside contact and, after all, what you are asking for is why people buy our catalogs that have taken us 30 years to collect and 10 years to scan and offer to sell. Cheers, Rob
Dear cornellpubs, Nope. That’s not what I was asking. My contact, and question about the item, did not violate any e-bay rules. You sell historical information and I was trying to determine whether it was information I wanted to purchase through e-bay. All the best to you and yours. – eureka84
Dear eureka… Ok, let me put it this way, I receive scores of requests for specific information every day from our 5000 reprinted catalogs. I don’t have time to do the research and send the information to all the interested parties and even if I do, it rarely results in a purchase. Furthermore there are, if memory serves, two full color pages of small fishing lure pics with probably three or four dozen names I would have to write down for you… not economical use of my time, please just buy the catalog. If you don’t like it, send it back. Cheers, Rob (Research Assistant Extraordinaire).
************************************************** This month’s winner is a guy named John B. Carey who using the handle “ngbuy006” at Ebay gave us a neutral feedback after he bought a reprint of a 1981 Colt catalog. A neutral feedback is actually a bad thing because it encourages other wackos in the spirit of one-upsmanship to offer worse comments and the problem quickly multiplies. This guy, unable to articulate that he bought a reprint thinking it was an original, struck out first and thought second. So, we asked him to retract his feedback and in return we would refund his money:
“Rob, I received your feedback request. While I believe you provide a needed service to the community that is just looking for content, I believe you should not be doing reprints of highly collectible catalogs (this is not a tractor manual that will be used in the shop) in the way you do it.
My experience: Forget that somehow I got on the item and there was no details about the service, I did want a quick catalog for the info and a price list of the day. Then I found out about the ship delay for printing (still because I had no info about that at purchase).. OK all my misfortune… so all OK. Then I get the purchase and there is no price list…OK, I can use this repop for handing folks instead of a genuine pristine real catalog. So I start looking for a real catalog….. boom, found one for $7.95 and $3 ship. Buy it quickly and inquire if it has a price list. Seller get back to me in less than 1/2 hr and says he has 3 different price lists.
So I get the real 1981 catalog with 3 separate 1981 price lists all in totally mint condition. (also a Colt Gunsafe ad)….. As I compare your repop to the orig. several things pop out. 1)You really don’t clean up digitally.. the cover had white marks from scuffs on your orig. In addition, the whole front cover is not showing on your bound catalog (which is also not orig.) The right hand side (about an inch) of the catalog front is not there. 2) The product was made of single page repos of each page ignoring the fact that there were three separate bi-fold pages and your method does not space the facing pages to view as a whole like the orig. 3) The back page of the catalog is inside the bound contents. 4) what is on the back is an ad for your business…. not cool!
So here is what I propose….. I can use this as a “handling” version despite it’s flaws.I might even include prints of the price lists and can highlight them as I need. I don’t want to send it back but I hope I am providing you some consumer info that can enlighten you to the situation as it is in this case. If I needed a tractor manual that was unobtanium and I didn’t care past it’s content then OK. This falls far short of representing a Colt Catalog. I don’t want to get in a “feedback” war even though I probably will never care if you “dirt me” for bad feedback. So what would you like to do for me in exchange for altering my feedback (which was only meant to bring up the issue of a reprint vs. the real thing when it can be had reasonably.)?”
Dear John, Thanks for your note. I think all the complaints you mentioned in your email are covered pretty clearly in our advertisement for the Colt reprint. We state a delivery date that takes into account 5 days to print and pack the item as well as time for the PO to deliver it. We state in the ad that we don’t make forgeries of the original so the layout is not exactly the same as the original and we explain how reprint may not be “pristine” (The original you bought is a foldout, a different catalog from the same year with a different layout and different front page picture). Finally, there is no price list mentioned in the index. There is no need for you to bother with trying to fix your feedback because I already asked Ebay to remove it for being unfair according to their rules, but I will still refund your money if you want me to, we like happy customers! Cheers, Rob
Dear Rob, All you say is in agreement…. but certainly if only the front cover is considered, a white band around the page that is all black is a travesty when part of the gun shown is not there. That falls far wrong from “not an exact facsimile”. Would you like a photographer to do custom printing and cut off half of one of your children when you knew it was there in the orig.? You can manipulate E-bay all you want, but you won’t convince me that you are learning anything here unless you start listening and admitting that the product ought to (and can) be better for the price. Send me a corrected reprint addressing all that I have said and I will be a happy customer. I want a reprint, just one I can live with. Don’t want a refund, won’t pursue this further (not that I could or would)…. just trying to get you to understand and improve. Thnx for getting back to me. John
Readers: He went on and on from there but honestly, I am just so sick of nutjobs like this guy, that I am not going to bother cutting and pasting any more of this nonsense. Rob *******************************************
“Dear Abby, Gatling Gun, Handbook of the Mod 1903- Caliber .30 1917 ; Does your copy of this book include copies of the (seven) plates in the back? (sometimes called diagrams) Theadore
Dear Theadore, The contents of the Catalog/Manual are listed with the advert, Abby
Sirs: I can and have read the contents of this manual, that is not my question. I have several copies of this publication both in .pdf and printed on demand, neither of which includes the seven plates from the rear of the publication other than blank pages with a few marks. Those manuals also included claims of “Fully Illustrated”. Since you have the master document from which you do print to order it is a simple task to observe the printing masters on the computer screen. I doubt you have a “fully illustrated” copy because you have not commented about the irregular size paper used to print the pages. Theadore
Dear Theodore, Here is the long answer to your response to our email. We attract literally scores of emails a day requesting the minutest and most specific information on every conceivable aspect of each catalog or manual we produce. The time it takes to answer all these questions, locate the catalog or manual, read it to find the information and then to respond, with rarely as much as a thank you in return, leads us to discourage such questions. Hence our reply to you. Next, regarding your question. The reprint we make indeed has the seven drawings you ask about.
I hope this lengthy explanation satisfies your questions and explains why we cannot spend so much time for every casual query we receive. Best wishes, Rob Mouat
(Dear Rob,) Thank you for your response. However when I am about to spend money on a product I do not consider my questions to be “every casual query”. I don’t suppose that you or your “contributor” still has the original source document? Theadore
Dear Theadore, I don’t blame you at all for wanting information. Our problem is sorting the wheat from the chaff and trying to figure out which are legitimate questions and which are idle curiosity, all seem sincere but few result in a sale. To answer your next question, Nick Niles died over a year ago and his book collection, including the free copies of our catalogs I sent him, was sold at auction. Rob
(Dear Rob,) I thank you for your time and trouble. I regret that we did not come to a business arrangement. Theadore Stone
Rob: Oh geez! *********************************************************
Cornell Publications wrote: Hello Robert – many thanks for your purchase – we appreciate your support. This is a very heavy book and will be sent as a large parcel. Regards, Abby
Wednesday, January 07, 2015 Hello, Is there any news on my book? Thank you, Robert Sterzik Calgary, AB
Robert – To tell me now that it was lost 6 months ago leaves me very few options. I cannot directly refund any moneys after 60 days and any postal information I would have is gone after 30 days. I sent you this book, especially packed for shipment and took it myself to the post office. It has not been returned to me. I ask of you to please search and hunt for this large and beautiful book on the H & Rs. It is really what they call a cocktail table book – or oversized with many colored photos. Sometimes people get things and don’t realize they have them. Abby
Abby, I am extremely displeased with your reply. You may have noticed. I have checked this transaction, and I paid by Paypal, so unfortunately I have no recourse. You knew that, of course. They have since extended their “dispute” period to 180 days, due to the high incidence of fraud by sellers, but our transaction is limited to 45 days (“before November 18”), and my credit card company is of no help. They just refer me back to Paypal. I closed my Paypal account today, and will no longer be paying anyone that way again, ever.
You have no tracking number, of that I am certain. There was certainly no shipment, since I have not had anything go missing in the mail for several years, and have purchased literally hundreds of items in that time span from all over the world, though mostly USA. Not one thing actually sent has failed to arrive. No package from USA to Canada takes 2 months, even with the Christmas rush. That’s why I emailed, but again, you know all that.
So Abby, you have successfully defrauded me. Congratulations. Please remove me from your email list, and please know that there is one more person on this Earth who wishes you all the health, happiness and prosperity you deserve. I don’t want to hear from you again. Keep your book, if it exists. I do belong to a number of firearms forums and you can look forward to some kind words from me, at every opportunity, regarding your company and successful fraud. You have cost me about $100, so I certainly owe you a few words. Good bye, Robert Sterzik
Dear Sterzik, How Dare You! You ARE absolutely correct, you lost whatever you paid for the damn book because there isn’t a chance in Hell that after your rude treatment of my very fair and helpful wife that I would allow a penny to be sent in your direction. On the way back from the market Abby said she felt sorry for you and was going to refund your money. Forget it you can rot for all I care. Learn better manners, Rob Mouat
(Dear Rob) Please, don’t lecture me on manners. After patiently waiting, I asked politely where my book was, and was rudely told to check for it in my home, that there was no tracking information, and that I had waited — as instructed — too long. Seriously? My manners? Did I just take your $100 and then call you dishonest? Do not contact me again, ever.
Dear Sterzik, No. You were unnecessarily rude and threatening. I can’t tell you the number of people who tell Abby the “book didn’t arrive” three months later and then discover it under a pile of discarded beer cans. There is NO tracking from the USPS to Canada at any time with the USPS Standard or Priority Mail, only a shipping number. But never mind we don’t need threatening and nasty customers… read the RAVES and RANTS column at our website where you will join your like ilk on the Rants side, of course. And, after your threats to say nasty things about Abby to forums you can count on being featured in my next newsletter which goes to over 20,000 collectors worldwide. Oh and the hundred bucks you think we “made” from you, it cost us $67 so we’ll give $33 to the Salvation Army in your name. Cheers, Rob
“I got the tracking number of the magazines i boute and it was delivered but I cant find it so i’m going to have to have your send me another batch” Ron Carmen, Pensicola, Fla.
Sure, Ron, right away, you bet, Sir. Abby (ever since I started sending tracking information to buyers, many now now admit they got them but “can’t find them” and demand replacements… sometimes I just can’t win for losing!)
Dear Keith, You left me a neutral rating on Ebay. You never contacted me to resolve your gripe. Ebay requires you to contact the seller when you have a problem. Your decision was unfair because it will result in the neutral sitting on my record for an entire year. This will hurt sales and probably result in increased Ebay fees. I believe I sent your package Priority Mail at no additional charge for shipping and just because the inept post office damaged the package it is not my fault. I would have replaced the book for free if you had told me. Ouch! Abby
cornellpubs: poor packaging. Keith Archer
Dear Keith, No, used PO approved shipping material, poor handling and a mean, nasty customer who pulled the trigger before he read the rules… typical. Cheer up, Abby
cornellpubs: Placing the book in the thin priority envelope is not protecting the book. The corners need protection, can’t you understand that. Now quit bothering me. Keith Archer, Houston, TX
Dear Keith, Please read Ebay instructions for behavior and actions to take when you have a belly ache and before you bomb sellers for things not their fault. Inability to admit a mistake is a childish failing. I blocked you from ever buying from me again. Have a nice life. Abby
Samantha- Thanks a whole bunch for the neutral feedback on Ebay with the comment:
“it took awhile to get here and was a photo copy not a re-production” Samantha
You neutral feedback hurts sales and raises prices for everyone. You failed to read Ebay rules which state before you give less than positive feedback CONTACT THE SELLER! It hurts worse when the dope who leaves it is wrong… The description states WE PRINT TO ORDER. That takes TIME! It was also not a “photo copy”. It was a laser printed REPRINT. Nasty, imperious people are the bane of our lives! Who made you the judge, jury and executioner? A little power and it goes right to some people’s head. Rob
Rob, lets see thats why its called feedback if ya dont like what i said get over it and when you wright me a message like this dont make it any better on your part and i will be reporting it. sammie
OK sammie… Let’s see, you can’t spell and you don’t know enough simple grammar to write a single sentence, you are belligerent and can’t understand why you were wrong. Oh, I get it, you are angry at the world and think you are better than you are. It is so simple really. Pity. Rob
Well, dear readers, they walk among us. Last month one Barry Trousdale of SMS (Steyning Motor Sales) 116-118 High Street, Steyning, West Sussex, England (Ebay Name: “sporthonda”) ordered a $9.95 catalog from us. We sent it but he claimed he never received it so we sent another and refunded what he had paid us in full. The next thing we knew he gave us a negative feedback on Ebay with this comment:
“Never arrived, replacement sent “never arrived”, what do you think!!!!! NOT GOOD”.
We contacted him and asked him to remove the negative which he agreed to do saying:
“Should either or turn be delivered then I shall ofcourse look into changing feed back left for you,( I have received several packages from the states in the past few weeks/days with out any problem!) sent twice really !!!!!”
We then sent him a third copy for free and he responded by writing
“One wrong item received, told seller, they didn’t want it returned abuse started”.
This guy is a first class cheat, a “rag and bone man” to use the vernacular of Auld Blighty. By the way, you may wonder why I didn’t leave him a negative feedback… Ebay allows sellers only positive feedback capability.
“Why do you waste youre time making such crap? Nobody will buy your junk and you just make honest buyer look too hard to find good stuff. I going to reporte you to ebey and theyllfix you. you and you s***.” JS (Ebay)
Readers, you know I really dislike little weasels like JS. They use foul language, their arguments are specious and they are usually stupid and they can’t spell either. Also, they almost always speak anonymously. Rob and I, working alone, last year reprinted over a million pages, we have over 20,000 unique customers in over 100 countries and offer over 4000 old gun catalogs and manuals most of which would be lost to time if it were not for our labors. With those credentials I resent monkeys like JS spoiling my day.
Pope Rifle Barrels 1899- $11.45- take $9.00? pptreasures (Ebay)
Dear pptreasures, Sorry we don’t dicker over the price of publications. Try Walmart in the book section. Rob
pound sand,bob – pptreasures (Ebay)
“I have several questions tah you might be able to help with. 1)Why do all of the older manuals have the same covers.2) Is there somewhere that shows all of the covers from the begining.3) Do you think that there is any collector value in the older books.4) Why is there such a gap during the depresion years and were they still printing books. Thanks Greg” – 813claybuster (Ebay)
Greg, I’ll try to help but you have to be much more specific because we reprint over 4000 old gun catalogs and manuals. So, for 1., what manuals are you asking about? 2. Old books have value depending on the content- are you referring to books, catalogs or manuals and which ones? 3. Again which ones are you asking about? 4. Perhaps because of the Depression books were not being printed as often? What gap are you asking about? Abby (never heard back, of course)
Abby, Do you have a scan of the Nikola Tesla comic story Prophet of Science which is included in this handbook or a description of that story? What is that Tesla story reprinted from? Is it from True Comics? What issue of True Comics? Iam interestred in the Tesla story and want to see the quality of it and the story line, etc. Thanks, and best regards, Carl Savich – carlsavich (Ebay)
Carl, We get so many detailed questions about contents of the thousands of catalogs that we reprint it is impossible for us to answer them. If this book contains the comic you are looking for, why not buy it? Abby (he didn’t!)
“Dear Abby, Cornell Publications has got to be kidding to charge $11.45 for this item and then to add $3.75 onto that amount for postage. That is a total of $15.20 for a copied item that cannot be worth more than $5.00 and a $1.50 for postage. I was offended to be over charged by more than double and I suppose you expect me to pay for sending it back??? Donney Allred, Borger, TX”
Donney, I am sorry you were so offended by my publication. I refunded your money. No need to return the publication. There now, surely it is worth free, right? Abby
Abby, Please learn to read more carefully – “I was offended to be over charged . . . “ – not by your publication itself; it’s a $5.00 item!! Evidently, when you read you hear what you want to hear rather than what is actually being conveyed . . . !!! Thank you for your consideration, but I am OK with your charging me with $7.00 for the item and it’s postage – not looking for to take advantage of anyone. Donney
Donney, We have learned over the years that when dealing with Ebay folks it is best to just refund money when they gripe about something. Ebay has made sellers too vulnerable to manipulation by the threat of getting less than a positive feedback to risk any other action. We also don’t barter with people over the relative value of what we reprint. If we started that we would spend all out time bargaining. We do try to be fair while running a small business and paying overhead while offering some extraordinarily rare and valuable old catalog reprints at a reasonable price. Most people agree that we do an honest and good job, we have over 25000 customers from all over the world, but some like you, disagree. For laughs read our rants and raves.
Because we offer over 4000 individual items varying in size from a few pages to thousands and because the PO charges on weight it is very difficult to calculate exact postage. Every once in a while someone feels he has been gypped and explodes with venom one cannot imagine. We just refund the money. It isn’t worth fighting about. Keep the publication with our compliments. Cheers, Abby
Abby, We received the book. Packaging and condition of the product was great. The item was as described in the listing with only 38 pages, I just wish it had more content than just the basics, seemed a bit like just a brochure. Really looking for a general history on Unertl and more in depth information. My only dissatisfaction is with the content, not the book itself which you did a good job with the printing. Do you happen to have any more thorough books on Unertl? It’s been difficult to find any online. Thanks, Damian
Damian, Yes, the Unertl publication we sell is indeed a catalog, sorry. That is what we do, we reprint olf gun catalogs. I try to make clear the contents of each item we sell in the index but sometimes, I suppose, that isn’t clear enough. The only other publications that might help you are two books by Townsend Whelen. I can’t tell you if the contents will tell you all you want to know. Unertl is elusive: Telescopic Rifle Sights by Townsend Whelen 1936; Telescopic Rifle Sights by Townsend Whelen 1944 Cheers, Abby
Abby Your reprints are junk!!!!!! Rob Tomkins – mrt333@juno.com
And you, sir, are rude, crude and wrong! Abby
Abby, Got the catalog.Cover in full color !The rest is garbage.Pages with pictures upside down.Specs upside correctly.When I first looked at your add I expected full color entire catalog.My mistake,this is second time,fool me once fool me twice I’m the fool!Last time,donate my $15 to your favorite charity. Ken Gregware, Marblehead, MA
Ken, Lighten up big fella! You’ve bought from me three times before this and I don’t believe I have ever given you reason to get so excited, have I? Regarding your statements, the cover is indeed in color. The rest of the catalog is not in color nor do I say it is in color. To help you come to the realization the insides are black and white I place a photo of them in the advertisement. If there was a page flip problem with the printer, all I need is a nice, polite note and I’ll send a replacement, no need to invoke President Bush… Abby
Abby, No you can have your Muslim friend OBAMA. Ken Gregware, Marblehead, MA
Ken, Barak Hussein Obama? How the heck did he pop into your mind? Quite honestly, I think you should try to calm down a bit and learn to approach things with a bit less hostility. Just a simple request will usually solve most problems if, in fact, they are a problem. Life can be pretty cruel if you attack everything like a marblehead… (sorry, excuse the pun). Abby
TO Who It May Concern: I think your buisness acuman sucks. I ordered a reprinted catelog of Marlin froim you over two weeks ago and I havnot recd it yet even though you cased my check sent in good faith to you. I suppose i am no out of luck and just wasted the money right??? Lars Izzard
Well, Lars you ordered a Savage catalog reprint seven days ago ( Friday evening) and you paid immediately with a credit card… thank you. The order was processed on Monday, printed. and packed Tuesday and shipped Wednesday. You should get it later today. You are most welcome. Best regards, Abby
I got the Savage catalog today but I told you I wated a Marlin 1967 catalog why cant’ you get it right????
Lars, Slow down. Your email this morning was the first I’ve heard about a Marlin catalog. You ordered a Savage catalog last week (I double checked the order) and that is what I sent you. Now, did you mean to order a Marlin in the first place? What do you really want and how can I fix it for you? Abby
Abby, I thimk you are hopfully confised. Forget it, I will never do buisiness with you again. EaVER LARS
Good grief, they walk among us and they are armed and angry! Abby
Hello friend: Ideal-Lyman 1957 No. 41 Ammunition and Reloading Catalog: Need to know,1.) If this is, or not the original manual, what kind of shape is the cardboard cover`(s) for the front and the back in ???. 2.) And of the spiral plastic spine,is that in like new condition ?. 3.) Is there anything written or marked on or in the manual at all ???. Best Regards: Mr. Kenber 6.5.11 Ore.
Dear Mr. Kenber, I believe the description under the title in the advertisement will answer most of your questions: “New COLOR re-print restored and digitally enhanced from a nice original. Printed on high quality 20# 97 bright acid free paper. Fully Illustrated.”
Smith & Wesson 1900 Revolvers: Is this a real pistol, it seems really cheap to be only 13.95; cowboy989809 (Ebay buyer)
Cowboy, No, if you read the advertisement you will see that this is a reprint of a 1900 S&W catalog. Abby
May, 2011- Recieved (sic) my (1903 Davenport) Catalogue today ! I have to say, I was a bit disappointed . It is a poor quality copy . Can’t make out any of the photos. And has very limited info on the actual firearm types. I was hoping for much more info related to serial no.s. Etc. Thanks anyway, but probably would,nt (sic) recommend to others ! Just thought you might like to know! Steven Wilkinson
Steven, Thank you for your note. I think your disappointment rests with your mistaken understanding of what you bought. What you bought was a reprint of a catalog issued by the Davenport Company to entice people to buy their products much as a car company offers a catalog of cars it plans to produce in a year. Regarding the text accompanying the pictures, I, of course, did not write the copy or select the pictures and your argument that catalog lacks information about the various firearms sold by the company rests with the people who wrote the catalog; and they have been dead a hundred years. Serial numbers, of course, never appear in a sales catalog because the catalogs are produced before the guns are manufactured and the company has no idea what it will sell in any year. The pictures accompanying the text are reproduced exactly the way they were in the original catalog… perhaps a bit better! Abby
Dear Abby, Have not heard back about the shipping yet. Don’t bother,what you can do is send a post paid return envelope. Yes ok you made $5.75 on the shipping but you lost allot of good will and my recommendations to my customer base for your products. I have been in the surplus and firearms industries going on 42 years. Have written many an article in publications I am sure you are very familiar with. Taking the poor quality reproductions on paper the drugstore uses on their copier was not enought. But that the books fell apart in my hands pages were cut bad one at a steep angle. Please with all of the good people out of work ,that who ever put this together would not last in the real world. I have contacted the credit card company and stoped payment. This could be call fraud. Hope there is a world of suckers so you will be able to feed your family. This editors $71 you won’t have. Pete Keehn, Queens, NY
Dear Pete, For an old soldier you are a pretty nasty piece of work, ill-educated as well judging by your language. For all the 42 years you have spent “in the surplus and firearms industries” you have learned little tact or diplomacy, but then I suppose a junk dealer doesn’t really need to be tactful or even pleasant, does he?
Your comments about my efforts to preserve old history notwithstanding, I have over 17000 customers from around the world, almost all of whom understand the purpose, validity and value of my work. A few like you, a very few really, don’t “get it” and are relegated to the Rants and Raves section of my website Congratulations, you have joined an exclusive club!
Oh, by the way, I missed your first note or I would have refunded the extra shipping or even the whole order had you asked politely (I like to keep skinflints happy), but now, I’ll let you battle it out with your credit company. Cheers, Abby
Recirved the Paterson folder and I must say that the copy work looks like it was done on a fifty year old Zerox. Cover photo is great but the rest are so poor that it was not worth the effort or the cost. Pure crap! Pete Peters
Dear Pete, Pure crap huh? Charming turn of phrase, I must say. The Patterson was reprinted from an almost 80 year old self-published piece but I don’t think it sinks to the level of “crap” so I’ll send you another. Perhaps the printer cartridge was defective. Next time try to curb your tongue a bit, please. Abby
Von Lengerke & Antoine 1911 Gun & Sporting Good Catalog – Hi, I was wondering if their is an ad for a Harris Frog in the fishing lure section? Thanks for your time. John
Sears, Roebuck & Co. 1962 JC Higgins Model 21 Shotgun M Sears, Roebuck & Co. 1962 JC Higgins Model 21 Shotgun Buyer: purplefishart Location: FL, United States Message: “How was it sent and what was the tracking number?”
This was sent to you on the 11th – it has not been returned – what should be done? Sent to Emerald Pine Circle – Abby
Please confirm where we are at with this.Thanks
I do not use tracking. I would rather refund the occasional lost package. Is the address correct? Would you like another or a refund perhaps….. either if fine with me…. Thanks, Abby
Please confirm where we are at with this.
Dear purplefishart, I’ll try to say it differently: I do not get tracking from the PO because it is expensive and I don’t want to increase the price of shipping to my customers by that cost. So… I will either send you another one for free or refund your money. Which do you prefer? Does that explain my position better? Abby
My last email was an inquiry to see if you had sent out a new booklet that I had requested because you had not responded to my last email. I’ll try to say it diffenrently too. Please refund my purchase asap. I can see that customer service is not your long suit. Please advise when the refund for my purchase and shipping is complete. If it’s not completed by Monday I’ll fill a claim and give you the feedback you deserve.I’ll be sure not to make this mistake with you again. Why so rude anyway?
Dear purplefishart, I am sorry if you feel I was being rude. I suppose you missed the return email I sent you in response to your question in which I said: “Dear purplefishart, I do not use tracking. I would rather refund the occasional lost package. Is the address correct? Would you like another or a refund perhaps….. either is fine with me…. Thanks, Abby” My second response was only an attempt to repeat the first in different language (you would be startled by how dense some of my customers are) assuming you did not understand what I said. Anyway, I refunded you payment and again I am sorry you felt I was rude. Abby
Mick, 1. You ordered it on the 11th. 2. It shipped around the 15th or 16th- I print to order and it takes time to print, collate, bind, package and ship. 3. I NEVER RECEIVED ANY EMAIL FROM YOU EXCEPT THE ORDER! 4. International Air Mail can take 2 weeks- sometimes longer. 5. Using all capital letters is rude. 6. Calm down and be patient. Abby
Subject: Ruhr Commercial model electronic sonar fist finder. Comments: I have acquired a fish finder from a friend,and it needs a Transducer.The Model#130 Seriel#105791 the serial# is not to clear.I am trying to find the Transducer to see if it still works. Please inform me.From what i can see it was purchased in 4/22/1966 there is also on the original order another #9A51 Calvin COOK
Calvin, We are publishers. We publish old gun catalogs. I have no idea where you would get a transducer for an almost 50 year old fish finder! Abby
Abby, I( ordered a rifle engraving and instead got a “Western Ammunition Handbook. What’s with that. The engraving was going to ber given to my grandson for Christmas. Thanks alot!!! – gramcundari
Dear gramcundari, I am sorry, I’m just one person and I have to print, wrap and send everything myself. I guess I’m just a bit overwhelmed with the Christmas rush. I’ll print a new one for you this morning and take it to the PO before noon. It will go out Priority so you should have it by Friday. Again, my apologies, Abby
Seconds later this woman gave me a neutral feedback on Ebay
Dear gramcundari, Jumped the gun a little didn’t you sister? Already gave me a neutral feedback so… if you agree to remove the neutral (I’ll send you a link), I will go out of my way to fix your problem. If not, I’ll be able to get to your order just after Christmas. I am way to busy right now and you already lashed out at me. Abby
You obviously have a lot of problems. One being that you must be a tiny man with a tiny brain. I did not lash out at you. Keep the engraving I don’t want to deal with people like you. You should take your own advise and also stick your religious beliefs. I havve many problems of my own. Husband with Alzheimer’s nand now in hospital suffering a stroke. I pray toThe Blessed Mother and Jesus Christ and don’t need you! Stick the engraving where ever you think it may fit. I will find one somewhere else. Keep the money. Obviously you need it more than my Grandson needs the engraving for CHRISTmas. Now my feedback sticks!!!!! Susan Cundari
Susan, I consider it a “lash” when I get less than positive feedback on Ebay before I am given the opportunity to remedy a problem- you did “lash out” at me by trying to damage my business without giving me the chance to fix a minor problem. Now I have to live with your ill-tempered action for an entire year. Furthermore, you descended to gutter level by using foul allusions in a petty attempt to insult me: “stick your religious beliefs” and “stick the engraving where ever you think it may fit.”
You are a sad, old, bitter and nasty woman, a shrew but I am very sorry to learn about your husband. I would not wish your fate on anyone. In an attempt to help you, I will give you the advice (note the spelling and usage- not advise) to try to be a little more charitable toward other people. Your miserable life will be just a bit easier.
Actually, I don’t need the money but you may with the burdens you face, so I refunded your purchase price and blocked you from buying from me again, at least on Ebay.
I do hope you find some solace and peace during the holidays. Go down to Calf Pasture and walk on the beach. (Mrs.) Abigail
Note: Calf Pasture is a public beach in Norwalk, Connecticut where Mrs. Cundari lives.
Abby, I have a set of Wooden Golf Clubs sold by your company back in the early 1900’s on the East Coast. I’m trying to find out what they are worth and I would like to sell them. Any assistance would be appreciated. Regards, David (david@themountaintop.net)
David, We are publishers and we don’t do appraisals just like it says on the webpage in 36 point type above our email address. Our business is six years old. Abby
Abby, Your 36 point type is ineffective as your customer service response. David
Name: Thomas DeVault Email: tcd33@verizon.net Subject: G.E. Lewis rifle Comments:
i was given a rifle by a gentleman years ago. trying to find some info on it. rifle 308, drop breech, unique mecanism it has a duckhead as the release under the trigger, you squeeze the beak together to open the gun. thank you for your help.
Thomas, Thanks for your note. Given your good description, it was easy to find your gun. It was illustrated in the 1914-15 edition of the GE Lewis catalog (click on the link). Abby
Note: Thomas called me on the telephone and was furious that the catalog I suggested did not contain more “information”. He accused me of being a “crook” and misleading my customers so I hung up on him and sent him this email:
Thomas, I hung up the telephone on you because I don’t like people telling me there is something wrong with the way I do business and will not continue a conversation with anyone who is disrespectful, accusatory and wrong about what took place. To that end I will not return your second call either. You join a select group of insensitive louts in the Rants and Raves section of my website: https://www.cornellpubs.com/rants-and-raves.php
Now, your note to me said “trying to find some info on it”. You failed to say specifically what information you sought. The reply I sent you that prompted you to buy the catalog said your gun was illustrated in the 1914-15 edition of the GE Lewis catalog. If you misunderstood the meaning of the word ILLUSTRATED that is not my fault. I do, however offer a money back guarantee and have refunded your payment. You may keep the old catalog reprint showing the illustration of your gun with my compliments. In future, please purchase your historical information from another source. Abby
Name: Fida Hussain Abdul Ali & Sons.
Email: fidahussainNsons@hotmail.com
Comments: i want to know the detailed history about this specific weapon which is made by your firm so kindly let me know that what this weapon is exactly… As i have this weapon so i am interested in knowing the complete background of this weapon rather this is a Shotgun of 12 bore or DBBL Rifle… And the weapon which i have is written with this (Joseph Bourne & Son Makers 82 Mark Lane London) serial No:5342 written on the weapon barrel…
Vic, I’m not certain what you are asking. The book features hundreds of pictures of S&W revolvers and pistols and all have grips. There is also a 9 page article by Jim King about S&W stocks (grips) with picture and prices. Does that answer your question? Abby
Vic, If the book is not on Ebay, you can buy it from my website along with any of the S&W catalogs I reprint: https://www.cornellpubs.com/old-guns/item_desc.php?item_id=2782. Shipping depends on where you are (Ohio, China, South Africa, Arkansas, Bolivia etc.) If you are US we can arrange for Media Mail shipping although I would insist it be insured to be shipped that way. Abby
Dear Vic, Hello, many thanks for your purchase. The order just came in. My kindest regards to you, Abby
Vic, I refunded part of your shipping cost and will mail the book Media Mail as I think that is what you are getting at. Naturally, I will take some time to get to you but it is insured. Whew! Abby 🙂
Some Daisy and Hubley buyers are quite discriminating others are really quite painful (First is the ad followed by some emails):
Daisy 1967 BB, Pellet, Play Guns and Accessories Catalog
PLEASE NOTE: These Daisy catalogs are color laser REPRINTED from original scans with the permission of the Daisy company. These are NOT ACTUAL GUNS for sale. They are pretty good copies and each is bound or folded and stapled at the spine. They are NOT, however, perfect forgeries of the originals and are sold for the information they contain. NOTE TO YOUNGSTERS: THIS IS A CATALOG REPRINT NOT A CRATE OF GUNS!!
I would like to have more description of that item Thank you – shogiedenis
what is this– 518marvin
Is this a book or all the guns? – scharfenberg5
Are the guns working in rite order or are tey bad- Ted
What are they worth if i sell them? Jimmie
Im reporting you to Ebay because it is ilegal to sell guns on ebay and Im going to rteport you to the FCC to! Sharon
Sharon, Calm down. If you read the advertisement carefully, you will see that I am selling a REPRINT of an old Daisy catalog so I am reasonably certain the Federal Communications Commission will not be too interested. Abby
Is this the guns or just some of them. All for $9.95-RIGHT? Hiow much for posting? Dave
Wondering when you will ship the pistols. Please advise. I bought them for my grandson and he’s very anxious to receive. Thank you. – rcbgs5
Oh good grief! Abby
“Hello, Would like this (Bear 1959 Catalog) for a gift for someone but not wanting to pay $16 plus for unsure how appreciated it will be. If you will take $12 dollars including shipping please get back with me. Thanks, Wayne” eye860 on Ebay
Gosh Wayne I can’t, why don’t you try Walmart? Abby
Hi, I dont use paypal will you take apostal mony orger? Thanks Dave
Last month, Gary W. Law of Counce, Tennessee, using the Ebay sign-in “yellowbird58” bought a Daisy catalog from me. He was displeased because it apparently printed upside down. My mistake, printer problem. I refunded his money immediately and offered a corrected copy but he left me neutral feedback anyway. Then, about a week later, at 11:00pm one night, he bought another catalog reprint from me. Anticipating another problem, I offered to refund his money again. I said “Gary you were displeased with your last purchase from me – why don’t I just refund your money now – let me know. Abby”
He replied: “Thats entirely up to You…………………….. I was displeased because of the reasons I stated. Every second page of the last one was upside down. If You cant understand My displeasure with that then Just go ahead and refund My money. If You can then I was willing to give You another shot. On second thought. You are correct go ahead and make the refund. I do not wish to do Business with a Person of Your Caliber. I will leave You the Negative feedback You deserve with an attitude like that. Gary W. Law / Yellowbird58”
Then he immediately sent another email: “Lucky for You eBays feedback system would not allow Me to leave the negative feedback for 7 days.When I requested the refund on the last daisy item. I requested You to include the extra postage required to send the faulty printing daisy publication back to You…… You did not do that and I was not going to loose My money for Your poor workmanship. But after Your smart elick e mail I do wish to return the last piece of junk to You to see Your mistake for Yourself. So Please do give Me Your mailing address……………………….. After Your inspection By all means put it where the sun don’t shine. Gary W. Law”
This man is obviously hostile. I complained to Ebay and this is, in part, what they said:
Dear Abigail,
Thank you for taking the time in writing eBay in regards to the member yellowbird58 purchasing a second item from you after leaving non-positive feedback for a previous transaction.
I can understand your frustration when a member after leaving non-positive feedback for a previous transaction with you, purchases a second item from you and want to help you receive resolution in this situation. We will thoroughly investigate the situation from this point and take the appropriate action in an effort to prevent any further abuse of the eBay community.
…Whenever there is a situation where a buyer has left non-positive feedback for a previous transaction and then purchases another item it shows that the member may be intending to disrupt your listings. Because this is considered a violation of eBay policy, I have taken the next step in appropriate action at this point…
Abby, Thanks for the book “Robbins & Lawrence – A Gunmaker History 1828 – 1865” that I bought from you recently on ebay. I have a concern, though. The book is missing the title page and table of contents. Also, books usually have a short biography of the author, but this one doesn’t. There doesn’t seem to be any way of determining who James Whisker is and what he has for credentials, or even when this was written. Please send me whatever pages are missing. Karl Lamson
Karl, The R&L research paper is only 31 pages so I am not surprised that Jim Whisker didn’t go through the pretense of a title page and biography but I will pass along your comments.
“How many guns are bb or pellet guns?” don_woody (Ebay- referring to the 1967 Daisy catalog)
lightsaver9 asked “is that just a magazine or actually those pellet and pop guns and accessories” (Ebay- referring to the 1967 Daisy catalog)
I am sure you realize this is a reprint of a Daisy catalog and not a crate of guns for ten bucks, right? In answer to your question, the index contains the model numbers of the contents of the catalog. I am not familiar enough with them to tell you which is which. Abby
Received item and it is NOT what I expected. It is a copy machine copy. I was expecting a reprint manual. Please respond to this email. -alfred9052
Alfred, everything we do is laser printed, not photocopied, however the manual was taken, as the ad says, from a photocopy, hence your confusion solved. I refuned your purchase price. Abby
Name: ryan Email: mjrtac@mchsi.com Subject: old gun hi i found this old gun in a relitives garage and i have some questions and my local range couldnt tell me anything about it and i dont even now what kind of action this would be called if you can help me find any information that would be great thanks
Readers, can you help Ryan? Abby
I had several grumps and queries this last month about the “quality” of certain catalogs. The questions and yes, complaints, were usually along the lines of “your reprint was not up to my standards!!!” or “why isn’t the catalog you sent the exact size as the original and why isn’t it printed on the same paper and why are there blotches or squiggles?”
Most of the emails end up being as insulting and deprecating as the writer can muster. The better educated folks wielding the sharper rapiers. I try hard to return the favor as energetically as I can, but the death of a thousand cuts is enervating. The most hurtful criticism is in the form of a less than positive rating on Ebay where the damage results in sharply reduced sales for some time. It hurts because the listing fees don’t stop. It’s funny how one neutral rating can outshine thousands of positive ones.
Last weekend a chappie named Zack Sudler, who is apparently a young real estate salesman in Chicago wielding a blunt instrument, gave me a neutral on Ebay (his Ebay name is “daedsikcaz“). He wrote me back in response to my complaint that he left me a neutral rating before even contacting me. He said, “In all honesty I had did that (sic) out of courtesy to prevent you from having negative feedback”, gosh thanks, Abby! “I actually took your business into consideration and read your feedback from other buyers before making my decision. Again MY DECISION – as to what to leave you as feedback. The whole point of feedback is to give an unbiased opinion of the services rendered – not to make the seller look good for selling second rate product… Perhaps your other clients have low standards. I do not.”
Essentially, Sudler said that he felt it was incumbent on him to go out of his way to give me a neutral rating to protect other less informed buyers, to shield them from what he perceived as the travesty I forced upon my customers with my inadequate products. Sudler joined an elite group of three valiant “big brothers”, (one a “newby” and the other a non-English speaker) out of 1495 positive raters on Ebay in the last year. I felt a bit petty when I told him “… next time you need forty year old copy of a rare gun catalog, try Walmart! Abby”
Well now, about quality. As I say in my “About Us” column at my website, quality of my reprints varies. I make no effort to exactly reproduce old ephemera. I reprint old catalogs to preserve the information they contain. I do not choose only pristine originals to reproduce or I would have a miserable, small collection of forgeries. I accept, to misquote Emma Lazarus, “… your tired, your poor, your crummy copies yearning to be saved, your wretched refuse about to be tossed.” And turn them into readable, reasonable reprints of otherwise unavailable old gun catalogs. No more and no less. Some are great, others are not but all will give you the facts and pictures promised.
Hi, My request was for fish, frog or eel SPEARS not Speer reels. I took your suggestion and searched your website for spears but I must tell you that your indexing is woefully inadequate. Many of your catalogs in the Fishing category only list FISHING TACKLE or RODS & REELS in the index. This is not really of any help. You reprint lots of catalogs that I know have spears in them (because I have them already) but they do not show up in a search for SPEARS. You seem to be almost wholly focused on guns to the exclusion of all other interests. So, with all due respect, before you answer a legitimate question with a suggestion to search your website, you should make sure that you have an adequate index for each and every catalog. Respectfully, Gary Miller
Dear Gary, My website is geared toward firearms collectors and various police and security agencies that need information from old catalogs. To be quite honest, you are first person in the eight years I have been doing this project to request information on eel spears. I have had people who collect reels, rods, creels, boots, clothing, tools, toys, mirrors, cooking equipment, whistles, cages, decoys… plumb bobs, glasses, and a thousand other things but never eel spears. Sorry I didn’t think of that when I made the indexes. Abby 🙂
Iam looking for a mag for 22cal. vore rifle please let me no if u can get one thank you Doug Bonnell
Doug, we don’t sell parts but call Numrich, they may be able to help… and it is Voere not Vore. Abby
I am researching Stetson hats from 1910-1930. I see that you sell a lot of reproductions of catalogs – can you recommend some that have Stetson hats pics and prices from that period? Thanks. (not signed)
I am sorry, I don’t have time to look through the thousands of catalogs we reprint for individual items. I suggest you contact the Danbury, CT historical society where the company was based. Abby
????? I wasn’t asking you to look through every single catalog. I’ve seen your reprints on ebay and often thought about picking some up, but if you can’t answer questions and aren’t willing to take a little bit of time to make a sale, then I’ll stay away, and make sure to relay your attitude on to other researchers. Scott
Scott, Thanks for the snotty reply! I get hundreds of requests for research each week. People collect everything you can think of: guns, ammunition powder horns, camping gear, knives, hatchets, books, whistles, clothing, sports gear, auto accessories, tools (including several who collect plumb bobs!) food containers, kitchen accessories, watches, glass balls…. you name it. It is quite impossible for me to take the time to satisfy each person and if I do, the end request is usually “can you just send me that page? I don’t need the entire catalog and I will give you a dollar or $.50!” They are then petulant when I refuse. Actually, once I give them the name of the catalog they usually lose interest and I have wasted 15 minutes or a half hour.
Now, in your case, there are probably 150 catalogs that could have hats, most of which are not identified as being Stetson. I could spend a half hour or an hour looking at them and come up with nothing. How much are you willing to pay for my time? Abby
Thanks for being so customer-oriented. When you behave like a tyrant, you will lose your potential customers immediately. I read the word ‘snotty’ and stopped reading. I’m only responding to you at all because I’m bored, but thank you for encouraging me to make costing you business, a priority. I will be posting on any research forum I can find to make sure no one purchases any of your material. Scott Forest – moregruel@gmail.com – Ebay name: “runscott”
Your ill-mannered attempts to threaten and berate me have earned you a free trip to the Rants and Raves column at my website and, as a special bonus, a featured position in my newsletter that goes to over 11,000 people. Yours must be a misogynist la-la land, bored, stupid and mean is no way to grow old! Abby
Hi man, Can i ask you something? these item you are selling is a gun or just a catolog. Thank you supercamry (6)
Yes, it is a beautiful antigue firearm for $9.95. Just send your check with $49,700 postage. Abby
Dear karllippard (Ebay Name), I also might buy this (a two page Purdey flyer) from your Ebay listings , but two pages of material with $7 Media Mail postage charge seems excessive, doesn’t it? Abby
Abby, Well books you do step and repeat for shipping. It will cost that for me or someone here to stand in line for 45 minutes to send media mail. But if in the USA you have a $1.50 envelope and $1.39 and $2.00 handling. I have sold these for $75.00 each in the past and except for mine, have never seen one for sale ever and in a gun case, forget it. karl
Hmmm, I never thought of postage exactly that way but your explanation sure is illuminating! Abby
I have one of your guns and it has problems.Will you email me and please give me a phone number that I can contact you through. Thanks James
We don’t sell or manufacture guns. Abby
Hello. I got the catalogs today…Had to go back and check the auction description , it reads : “Glossy paper, full color”. Actual catalogs are in blacck and white on a course non gloss paper. Why is there a discrepancy ? Lars Rosenstrom, Sweden
Dear Mr. Rosenstrom, I regret to tell you that you misunderstood the item description. It says “glossy soft-cover in full color” meaning that the cover is in color and is glossy. The insides are not in color or the description of the insides (Printed on high quality 24# 97 bright acid free paper). would have been noted as color. Also, the photo associated with the item clearly shows an inside page in black and white. I have refunded your purchase price. You may keep the catalog reprint with my compliments. Cheers, Abby Mouat
“I odored a book from you and you sent it with a catalog of other things you sell. I did not odor that catalog and you made me pay to send it so I want you to give me back all the money it costs to send it and pay for me to send you back the catalog. Philip Gagney”
Philip. In most cases it costs nothing to ship our in-house catalog along with things you order. In your case you paid $3.50 shipping and I sent your package by Priority Mail at my expense for $4.75. The way Priority Mail works is that it is a flat rate for anything you can stuff in one of the Post Office envelopes or boxes irrespective of weight. So, it cost you nothing to receive the in-house catalog and you do not have to return it. Abby 🙂
Abby- I am not satisfied and you promised you guarantee satisfaction. I want to send back your catalog, I don’t want it and you have to pay for that or I am unsatisfied. Your catalog didn’t even have serial numbers for my gun and I still don’t know how much it is worth. I hope more than the $23 your catalogs says.
Philip, Throw away my catalog after you have your dog lift on it. That should give you some satisfaction. As to the rest of your note I gather you are referring to the 1931 Remington catalog you bought. You see, Philip, I reprint old gun catalogs. They were printed for the companies, in this case, Remington before the guns were made so they have no idea of serial numbers, nor do they have a clue what a gun not yet made in 1931 will be worth in 2009 any more than you can guess what your gun will be worth in the year 2087. Understand?
Abby, I think you are crooked and donot make any sence to me.
Good Grief! Abby
I ordered 3 books from you last year. YOu claim they’re blueprints. Yet all I see is a assembly pictures / dissassembly pictures. Pictures are not to scale and no schematics in the book. I will not be ordering another thing unless it is a schematic that explains how to remake one from scratch. Want to know for educational purposes. Other than that you can take me off your mailing list. Richard Sheetz
Richard, To set the record straight you bought two Winchester manuals from me on April 17, 2009 – a Winchester Model 12 and a Model 94. These are Sequence of Takedown and Assembly Operation manuals, not blueprints. Nowhere in the advertisement does it say they are blueprints or suggest the manuals contain blueprints. What the text does say is: “(AA Arnold)… drew scores of drawings for each gun Winchester made at the time depicting in great detail everything an owner or gunsmith needed to know to disassemble, service and re-assemble their weapon.” I will remove you from my newsletter list. Abby
That is you opinon of what you think it said. When I purchased the first one it said schematics. Therfore I thought it was acutal blueprints. When I got them they wern’t what I was expecting. So no i’m not interested thanks.
Richard, The copy in the advertisements has not been changed since 2005. Abby
I’d like you to send me pictures of the bicycles pictured in the following catalogs:… (there were four).
I’m sorry flooty, I sell catalogs, not pages or pictures from the catalogs. To get the pictures you must buy the whole thing (they cost $9.95- $14.95 each). If you don’t like any one, you may return it for a refund.
“I wanted to see the pictures of the bicycles to see which catalog I was going to buy. Seeings how you have such a s****y attitude about the whole thing, you can keep you catalogs. Kudos on the PR skills. Great seller.”
This clown wanted me to send him pictures of several bicycles from different catalogs… for free, of course. His isn’t alone. I get scores of requests for pictures of guns, ammo, whistles, rods, reels, lures, traps and every sporting item you can think of. It is impossible for me to send all these freebies for two reasons. First, in most cases, all the greedy bum wants is a free picture so I couldn’t expect so much a as thanky ma’am in return. Second, for the time it takes to find the picture, go to the archives, locate the picture of the item and then either print it or shrink it enough to send by email it takes longer than just printing the entire catalog. I just cannot justify the time. Abby 🙂
“My son bought this gun see, and it isn’t a BB gun like it says on the advert, it is a catalogue reprint. So I want my son’s moneyback, do you know how hard he workd to get the money? Harper.
Geez- Another one! The catalog was $11.95, how hard did he work to get the credit card with which he paid for the catalog? Your money has been refunded to your card. Abby
Billie, Pleeeeeze remove my address from your address book! I returned this message to all the people you sent it to using the bcc box to show them how dense you are. My anger has nothing to do with the content of the messages you send out- pro or con, i don’t read them. It is how you send them!
The problem is that you send out all these political messages using the regular “to” address box to hundreds of people. All it takes is for one person to not have anti-spam software and the entire list can be hi-jacked to a spam seller. That’s why we get all those stupid viagra ads. To avoid the problem all you have to do is send the message to people using the “bcc” box (blind copy).
I’ve told you this ten times over the years! Remove my name! Do it now! Just delete me! Abby Mouat at Cornell Publications
If you were smart enough to put me on your unwanted list of people to get your mass emails then you must know how to take me off —- your emails are nothing new and have been around a long time – take me off –
Abby Mouat at Cornell Publications
Just delete my email address. I got another of your stupid forwards last week, not two months ago. In fact you used the two months excuse the last time I asked you to stop open mass mailings.
I resent the personal nature of your attacks and your foul mouth. But you did give me a nice letter to put in my monthly newsletter to over 10,000 firearm enthusiasts from all over the world!
Abby Mouat at Cornell Publications
we went back & looked at our emails to you & found “NO” foul language of any kind? i really think you have gone a lil goofy here?if you are upset with him saying you are very liberal & work in a conservative type field that is not his fault?you have been deleted from all our accts!
Billie, Look, politics has absolutely nothing to do with this. It never has, although I will say that I dislike character assassination mails such as those you propagate- whether liberal or conservative. It is unhealthy for the mind and just makes people bitter. Now, if you were capable of the simplest understanding you would glean that you have been a pain ever since you wriggled into my life by causing me to be deluged with spam emails. That is the problem and that isn’t politics, just your stupidity.
As far as your foul mouth goes, I do not like to be called dirty names by anyone, you or your half dozen “friends”, and by inserting dashes or ****s you do not conceal the real word. I, unlike some, did manage to struggle past the third grade and can read between the lines!
The best advice I can give you is to just drop this right now. You are getting further and further out on a limb and the saw in your hand is on the wrong side of your body. Thank you for deleting my email. Abby Mouat at Cornell Publications
Oh geez! Abby
More Bear Catalog beefs:
Very unhappy with the catalog and would like to return for a refund if you will not I will be leaving poor feedback. The Catalog is not what was in the description you said it was a copy and it is a copy but not what was expected in my mind. Sorry for the inconvenience I hope we can work this out Thank You, Gary Hall
Sorry Gary, that’s as glossy as it gets. I refunded your money. As I have stated many, many times, I DO NOT make forgeries of originals, only copies and I do them as nicely as I can. Abby 🙂
Sorry I have not gotten back to you. I have a archery pro shop that has been hopping the last two days. Well I was looking for the catalog in a real catalog form.I know it is a copy I thought i would have a real copy on Glossy paper like what I get from Bear archery in a 2009 catalog. This was a copy on a paper that without sounding mean or rude I don’t mean to but looks like a photo copy you can get off my computer at home. I have had a lot of Bear memorabilia I have a signed copy of his Feild notes picture from the time my father got to hunt with Fred I wanted something to frame and put in my den next to the rest of the things I have from Fred. I was looking for something special it looks like you put some time into it and I am sorry if I came off a bit nasty I have had a ruff couple of days my wife is having my first child and its been crazy. I am very happy with the way the transaction has been fixed and I will not leave negitive feed back. Thank You Gary Hall
Gary, that is an exact copy of the original not a photocopy (except that it is bound not stapled), but the original was printed 52 years ago and perhaps the paper they used was not as glossy as you would have liked it to be! I hope you and your wife enjoy the baby. Abby
Sorry Don, that’s as glossy as it gets. As I have stated many, many times, I DO NOT make forgeries of originals, only copies and I do them as nicely as I can. Abby 🙂
I think it’s about time — after months and years — to toss this piece ——- of — into a manure spreader !!!! ///// ???/ NOW. ????????????????????????????????????? louie, iron_man_tool- jensenron@yahoo.com
Dear Louie, Well, you got me! I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Perhaps some coffee during the game would be a good idea. Abby
I didn’t mean to accept this as a purchase. I was playing around to see if my Pay Pal works and I didn’t mean to accept this, if you are wondering why I have not confirmed the payment it is because i never meant to purchase it. Sorry for any inconvenience. Adam Hannah
Reahlley! I’ll credit your account, Abby
Hi, can i get an image of the hunting knives? thanks.
Sure, the catalog is $12.95 and $3.75 shipping. Abby
Ha!, with a sarcastic greedy answer like that, i wouldn’t give you a dime for a dollar! if it does not have what i need i wouldn’t buy any…if it did have what i needed i would have bought 6 of’em!…i’ll be sure to ignore all of your auctions in the future! -danny robinson
Dear Danny, Greedy and sarcastic huh? Well, Buster, next time you go to the market ask for just one free turkey leg or at Home Depot ask them to open the pack of four batteries and give you just one. I sell catalogs, I don’t send pictures to freeloaders to satisfy their curiosity. I do, however, research endless questions from polite customers and give refunds to people who do not find what they are looking for. But don’t despair, today is your lucky day, you won, as a top shelf consolation prize, a completely free trip to the Rants and Raves page on my website. Abby
oh abby dear…you’re so wrong…comparing your practices to those of a grocer or retail seller the way you have is not relevant in the LEAST…i wasn’t looking to buy meat or batteries…furthermore i was NOT looking to buy one page of a catalog or one piece of a dead bird… (as you suggested w/your home depot/market analogy)…i can look through ANY magazine/catalog/book/newspaper/journal/etc. at ANY PROFESSIONAL bookseller before i buy! i wouldn’t visit your website to save my mothers life. the fact that you feel the need to have a “rants and raves” page on your site sums you up completely.
My dear Danny, You are a pathetic little bully and despite your protests to the contrary you are just what you sound like… a freeloader with a sharp tongue and a mean streak. Pity about your mother though. Abby
ha! why are you still here dearest miserable abby?, you shot back a smart assed greedy reply to a simple question and i just put it back on you in a way that you can’t continue with your “rants and raves”! freeloader?…i spend thousands of dollars a year with reasonable, respectable, responsible, and reliable sellers on ebay and since you are NONE of those i will not spend a dime with you…additionally, you have NOTHING that’s worth getting for free anyway…some piddly little catalog reprint is not worth the time you’ve spent attempting to defend your unreasonable/rude reply…you are a greedy little miser who has been upstaged in their efforts to defend their ridiculous business practices…as for my mother, the comment is not a reflection of my love for her…it’s a glaring example of my disdain for people like you! i pity your family for having you in their tree. [edited-Abby]
And you, sir, belong in a tree! Abby
wretched old hag, your crappy, poorly copied catalogs are just like you…you’ve both seen better days and fakes are never as good as the real thing…i’ll go do business with professionals… not a deceptive old poser like you! dr
Gee I love it when some insecure foolish sod like you loses all control over spending a few bucks. You have absolutely made my day… 🙂 Abby
Danny, I don’t know what you are babbling about in your last so I can only conclude you were [edited] when you wrote it at 11:30 at night. [edited]s bore me, so this interchange is terminated. 🙁 Abby
whatever you tired old bitty…i leave the drinking to old bar flys like you!…its glaringly obvious what i meant in that email…exactly what it says…post that last reply on your site and i’ll sue you for liable/slander…then…when i own your pathetic catalog business i’ll shut it down!…go give your husband another pill. tell him its on me! poor guy can’t be on strong enough meds to live with a bitter old dusty hag like you! Danny Robinson
Dear Readers, Can you believe this guy? Please forgive the edited spots but at my advanced age I have to humor my son (the attorney) who is very vigilant protecting his mom! 🙂 Abby
Abby- If you would watch your news you would know that we just went through a hurricane we have been without electricity for 2 weeks and standing in water in our home and you have the nerve to get mad because I called you at 1 AM. Now we know your heart. And yes we will pass it around. Remember your last words to me because I will. Sleep well in your nice a/c and dry home. Steve Zepeda
Steve, While I have sympathy for your hurricane damage that does not give you the right to call us at 1:00 in the morning with your diatribe. You awakened my husband from a sound and medicated sleep to answer the telephone for fear it might have been an emergency from one of our children and told him you were miffed to get a form message from me about something you bought on Ebay. No wonder he responded negatively. You deserved it.
As you probably know, Texas is a large state. Pearland could have been near Amarillo, El Paso or Brownsville and totally unaffected by the hurricane for all I knew when I told the computer to send out late notices. I do not normally get out a road map to see if every late payer happens to be near some natural disaster. For this I apologize. Abby
Howdy, Did you get the catalog in the mail an on what day? There’s know hury…….. Thankx, Paul
My granddad left me a gun and I want to know how much I can get for it. It’s pretty rusty and some parts are missing. The caliber is about a quarter inch but the barrel is blocked. The round thing where the bullets go is missing. Can you give me an appraisal of the value of this beautiful old antique? Sally VonV.
Sally, I hate to tell you this but that gun is probably worth nothing at all. Send me a picture and I’ll try to be more specific. Abby
Abby, that is pretty specific already, but here is the picture…
Sally, what you have is an Iver Johnson .22 Sealed Eight which, I am sorry to say is, indeed worth nothing in the condition you found it. Abby
Thanks, but I am going to get another opinion. Sally
I just ordered 2 catalogs.(’66 & ’69 Bear Archery on Ebay) What happened to the combined shipping charges? I was charged $3.50 each and one was to be sent standard and the other first class????? The MORE expensive one sent standard for the SAME price!! Something smells and it ain’t printers INK! Ron
Steady Ron, there is nothing to get excited about. Ebay has no mechanism for combining postage so it is done manually after the sale. As far as postage goes, I changed from First Class to Media Mail in Ebay ads some time ago but have not yet edited all listings. Why? Because when people see Media Mail they are less impatient to get the books they bought and that allows me time to conduct my business the way I want to. In fact, almost everything we sell is posted either FIRST CLASS or PRIORITY for no extra charge! Why extra time? Well, I reprint over 2000 old gun catalogs and manuals and I can only print every four or five days. So, depending on when in the cycle you order it may take a week or two to get into your hands and the Media Mail expectation allows me that extra time. There now, isn’t that better? Oh yes, I refunded your overpayment. You are welcome. Abby
Uhhhh, Thank you. (humbled) Sorry! Too much caffiene and a double-shift will make ya a little edgy and type childishly. My bad. Appreciate the time taken to set me straight and the refund. I’m o.k. now. Have a good holiday weekend. Ron
I was very disappointed in the Book or Flyer I received from you I thought I might get some useful information on the Manufrance shotgun nothing was useful. Take me off any mailing list you have. I had got more from are library. Steve S.
Steve, I didn’t write the catalog or choose the contents, I just reprint the original- read the index at the website to see what is in the catalog (He wanted serial numbers which are never in a catalog to sell guns not yet produced!). Abby
Kampa, slow down big fella! I never heard from you before and will be happy not to send you my free monthly newsletter. No need to yell (typing in capitals is yelling on the internet). Also spammers rarely give you a phone number to call them as I do, do they?
That’s not real, this is the third time, and also the last time I told you that you have some problem with your remove e-mail that give back this message every time: Probabily you have the same problem with everybody, for this reason you don’t remember that you alwais repeat the same discourse. Yes, I know, is the second time that you tell me that… But you know, normally I like to finish my business at the first…. And I am rude just with insistent people, I don’t like to be like that…. Maybe you are a new kind… even if I hope that was just the third mistake. Have a nice night, ;))) Gianluca Campagnari, Italy
Oh good grief! I guess some people are just lucky to be able to correspond with me so often. I can just imagine how irksome one email a month could be to you. As a reward for your persistence though, you have earned a trip to the Rants and Raves column on my website! Anyway, I think you are gone from my life forever now that I added your name to the blacklist. Abby
Last year I ordered the book from you and it was good. This year I want the other one but I am not home so I can’t tell you wich one it was that I need so please send it right away because I am buying a Marlin and need it when I get home. Here is my credit card: 8021… Jim
Jim, I have no idea which of our 2000 catalogs and manuals you ordered and cannot look it up because I don’t know your last name or address and your email doesn’t match any on file. Also my emails to you have been returned because your mailbox is full… so if you call I will try to help. Also, we recommend that if you want to send a credit card number by email (not a good idea) that you at least send it in two parts in different emails. That gives you a tiny bit of security. Abby
Hi, The manual has just arrived. I’m a little disappointed with it. It isn’t anywhere near the 8″ by 6″ advertised, more like 4 1/2 ” by 5 1/2 “. Also there is a white margin all around which was not shown on the listing. Will you take it bak for a refund? Regards, Cliveski
Cliveski, I refunded your money, keep the manual. FYI, I made the manual a wee bit smaller because someone else complained that the original was a bit smaller and he wanted his money back too… go figure. Abby
I am so disappointed with the quality of the reproduction of the Sporting Gun booklet I received today. With modern technology even an ameteur could produce a better copy than that. The detail in the guns is not legible and many of the other pictures are incrediby poor, just black. I understand that the original would have been a basic quality print, however I would not have expected this low quality of a digitally enhanced copy. I await your comments. Thank you, Sarah
Sarah, Until not many years ago photocopies were themselves pretty primitive and the Midland ’24 was taken from an photocopy (which the advert states). While your criticism is hurtfully exaggerated, my project to preserve these wonderful old catalogs is founded on customer satisfaction. To that end I refunded your purchase price. You may keep the catalog or dispose of it as you wish. Abby
My son ordered a box of Daisy Airguns from you people due to your deceptive advertising on Ebay and if you think I’m going to pay for it you can whisle. Biff, Adelaide, Australia
What’s with you children down under? This is the third time a boy in Aussieland has ordered a “box of guns”. Which is why each Ebay ad has the following notice in 24 point bold red letters: “NOTE- IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD, READ THIS! THESE ARE NOT DAISY GUNS FOR SALE. THIS IS A CATALOG REPRINT!” I’ll cancel the order, besides, I know better than to argue with a mate named Biff! Abby
I really like the Stoeger 1939 catalog reprint your sent me but I have a major problem with page 76 where you state in your advertisement for Ithica that the Field Grade guns were made in 10, 12, 20, 28 and .410 Guage. This is incorrect. I can therefore not trust anything in this book and will return it for a full refund. Reggie L.
Uh, Reggie, I didn’t print the original sales catalog, I only copied it and it is identical to the original. By the way, the Ithaca catalog from 1939 lists the same gauges as being available so although I don’t know if they eventually manufactured all models, I can tell you they planned to when they printed the catalog. Say, would you like to meet Brian who wrote the next letter? Abby
I left you positive feedback for this item because the pages are really clear. I’m sure someone took the time to scan each page well. It is a cool catalog but I didn’t realize that these “reprints” were more like photos of each page. I thought this would be a cool coffee table type of book but it is more just a collection of scans put in order. There is a huge margin on every page, even the cover! Why wouldn’t you just print it to the full extent of the page?? It just looks sort of lame and you should really have a photo of what people are actually going to recieve in your listing. It is cool that you are preserving these old catalogs but why not make it look like an actual catalog and not a photo album of old documents or something. It would have looked perfect if not for that huge margin around every page. If it is a mistake I can e-mail you a photo if you would like. Thanks, Brian
Uh, well, send it back and I’ll cut off the margins for you. Abby
The Handbook on Ammunition arrived and I was very disappointed! The current price list was not included and I am almost out of 12 PD navel cannon rounds. The woodchucks will over run the farm at this rate. All joking aside the book is wonderful. Stu
OK Stu, I have your number! (Stu is a big customer pulling my leg a bit!)
Gus, thank you for taking the time to alert me about this outrage I have perpetrated against the gun collecting community. Seriously though Gus, selling my books on two websites is not much different than Colt selling its guns at different dealers, is it? Abby
Richard, Your package was returned to me. I sent it to 606 North…, your address on Gunbroker. I also don’t see that I’ve received payment. Abby (these are just a few of the emails from this yahoo!)
I paid by money order. I do not take mail at the farm at 606 North… Send all mail to my office R. E. H. and Co… have you verified you received the $, for the Mannlicher book? r.e.h.
No I did not and cannot verify that it is paid. It is too small for me to spend anymore time on – change your address at Gunbroker or Auctionarms so it won’t happen again. Abby
I paid by check number xxx. I wil contact the bank on Monday. If it has been paid you will spend more time on it. You will send me what I paid for. You are the only seller That was “confused” about where to send the item. I am contacting gun broker this a.m. r.e.h.
I have no idea what you are in a huff over….. It was mailed back to you today at your real address…. you had the wrong address… have no idea what GunBroker is going to do except tell you to correct your information I never said I wouldn’t send it. Abby
The huff is over the principle of the matter. If you do not understand that, I cannot explain it. I trade the markets, and do a miilion dollar deal on a handshake. Intregity (sic) is important. You say ” it is only $5″, you are the selling $5 items not me.Thank you for your time. best regards, r.e.h.
REH, Arguing with people about trivial matters does not pleasure me. After the reprint you ordered from me was returned from your “farm”, which you listed as your address in Gunbroker, I sent it off (at my expense) to your office where I hope it arrives safely. I trust you will change that error so future merchants with whom you do business will not face the same drawn-out series of emails I have endured.
While I appreciate your efforts to pay your bills, quite frankly chasing $5 or $7 dollars is not dreadfully important to me and although I respect your “integity” (sic) I choose not to pursue the matter. I would be grateful for a “thank you” when it arrives. Abby
Abby, I have obtained the number for the Secretary of states office in Michigan. If you are to busy to solve my problem perhaps you will find time to answer their questions. I will also contact the attorney generals office here in Illinois. They take a dim view of people defrauding their citizens. best regards, R. E. Hicks
This is really great, I have no record of you ever paying, you used a false address when you ordered from me, I paid to send your purchase twice and you have the effrontery to accuse me of fraud? And you think the Secretary of State is going to listen to you whine about a $7 purchase you apparently never paid for? You bumbling idiot! Well, when the SWAT team from the State shows up I’ll give them the address where to send the padded wagon… your “farm”. The End! Abby
Yes my dear, the attorney general in Illinois will listen to me, I do more business in this state than you do. Fraud is fraud. You are really out of control with your attacks and insults. Perhaps some form of therapy is in order. If you were a man you would not be so insulting. I have been contacting you to sort out this problem. You are the one whose has been insulting from the very begining. You can insult me all you want. I have a suspicion I am much prettier than you are, but then you probably aren’t very pretty at all. I may be a bumbling idiot, but I doubt anyone has ever accused you of being charming, witty or pretty. Have they? regards, r.e.h.
Good for you! As I said quite clearly in my first communication, “I do not see a payment – how did you pay? I could have overlooked it.” I repeat, it was only $7 and I don’t care. There now, you can sleep soundly tonight with your “integity” intact… bumbling idiot! Kindly not darken my door in future with your convoluted arguments and vile manner (pardon the mixed metaphor). Oh yes, from the pettiness of your last note it sounds to me as if you should stay out of the bar car on the way home, pretty boy, your wit is wilting! Abby
Matt, You left me a neutral feedback on Ebay. You said in the feedback: “Color cover, but contents in black and white – misleading description and ripoff”. You never contacted me as Ebay rules require. Your comments are unfair. The description of the manual clearly states in 24 point type that there is a “glossy soft-cover in full color”. It says nothing about the inside being in color. Additionally, the picture with the advertisement clearly shows the insides as being in black and white. Finally, the terms state that you must be satisfied or you get your money back. Because of these facts, I left you a Negative Feedback mark on Ebay. If you would like me to withdraw my feedback I am willing to do so. Please let me know what you would like to do. I also need an apology. Abby
Mrs. Mount, I sincerely apologize for placing neutral feedback on Ebay. I agree that I should have contacted you first before posting the feedback. Matt
Good boy, Matt. Abby
1. “What different brochures do you have and what are their differences?”
2. “I am looking for a catalog with U.S. Army equipment, goods and uniforms.”
3. “I have a 12 guage single barrel shot gun from early 1900’s with ducks engraved, would like to finde out more about the gun like, date of manufacture en value.”
4. “Hello Sales, I will like to ask if you carry the below Original hp brand cartridges. Original HP C6625A 35 qty. Waiting to read back from you with price quote of the above hp cartridges if you do carry them. Williams Barns Equip, San Antonio, Texas.”
… and those were just from yesterday! Abby 🙂
1. “Iam looking for a mag for 22cal. vore rifle please let me no if u can get one thank you Doug Bonnell”
Doug, we don’t sell parts but call Numrich, they may be able to help… and it is Voere not Vore. Abby
2. Hi, My request was for fish, frog or eel SPEARS not Speer reels. I took your suggestion and searched your website for spears but I must tell you that your indexing is woefully inadequate. Many of your catalogs in the Fishing category only list FISHING TACKLE or RODS & REELS in the index. This is not really of any help. You reprint lots of catalogs that I know have spears in them (because I have them already) but they do not show up in a search for SPEARS. You seem to be almost wholly focused on guns to the exclusion of all other interests. So, with all due respect, before you answer a legitimate question with a suggestion to search your website, you should make sure that you have an adequate index for each and every catalog. Respectfully, Gary Miller
Dear Gary, My website is geared toward firearms collectors and various police and security agencies that need information from old catalogs. To be quite honest, you are first person in the eight years I have been doing this project to request information on eel spears. I have had people who collect reels, rods, creels, boots, clothing, tools, toys, mirrors, cooking equipment, whistles, cages, decoys… plumb bobs, glasses, and a thousand other things but never eel spears. Sorry I didn’t think of that when I made the indexes. Abby 🙂
*Don’t let the b*****ds grind you down